The Russian-Israeli mafia has a proper name, assigned by Belgian police: Nebula....
September , 2011 -- Classified Belgian police report on Nebula receives another look...
In the mid-1990s, a report prepared by the Belgian police, which looked into the assassination of former Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Belgian Socialist Party leader Andre Cools, in a gangland-style murder in 1991, is getting a fresh look after reports have surfaced about Mossad links to neo-Nazi, anti-Muslim gangs, some with criminal underpinnings, that are masquerading as legitimate political movements in Belgium, the Netherlands, and other countries. The renewed interest in the Belgian police report, known as the ATLAS Report, is of special interest following the recent massacre of Norwegian socialist youth on Utoya island and a deadly bombing in downtown Oslo carried out by pro-Zionist, neo-Nazi Anders Behring Breivik.
The ATLAS Report's detailed investigation of Zionist players in global financial scandals dovetails with recent comments by officials of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood that the former corrupt regime of Hosni Mubarak represented a "Talmudic dictatorship" imposed on Egypt by international players. The comments made by the Brotherhood were highlighted in a recent seminar on Islam and democracy held in Jakarta by the Jakarta Foreign Correspondents' Club.
Before Cools's murder, Belgium had been wracked by Italian Gladio-style "strategy of tension" (or, as in Turkey today, Ergenekon) right-wing terrorist attacks, including death squad hits and bombings, which were initially blamed by authorities on leftist guerrilla groups such as the Communist Combatant Cells. Cools's hometown of Liege was the center of the nexus of organized crime syndicates and the right-wing Gladio cells. However, it was not the revelation that Cools and other top Belgian politicians were involved in Belgium's right-wing "deep state" that brought down their house of cards but the infamous Agusta helicopter scandal.
Agusta, the Italian helicopter manufacturer and a licensee of Bell helicopters of the United States, bribed Socialist Party leaders, including Cools and then-NATO Secretary General Willy Claes, a friend of Cools, to cement a Belgian Army contract for 42 helicopters, which would replace the Army's aging French Alouette helicopters. Cools was to have received $10 million in bribes but the cash he received turned out to be counterfeit. Cools, in retaliation, threatened to tell all he knew about the Agusta deal and much more. It was Cools's threat to go public that earned him two bullets while he was sitting in his car next to his girlfriend. One bullet struck Cools in the head, the other to his chest. His girlfriend was also hit but she survived. What Cools threatened to expose was an intricate network of terrorists, nuclear smugglers, drug dealers, diamond and gold smugglers, and weapons merchants who were ultimately tied to Mossad and a shadowy network of influential European Jewish Zionists, a network known as "Nebula." The details on Nebula are contained in the ATLAS report. The ATLAS report is also the main subject of a 400-page book on Belgium's deep state politics to be published in Belgium in the Dutch language in 2012.
The Confidential "Not to be used in court proceedings" ATLAS report was issued by the Special Investigations Unit of the Belgian gendarmerie in Liege on November 21, 1994. It is clear that the authors of the report realized the problems they faced in pointing to Jewish criminal networks as a major force behind Europe's "strategy of tension" and the financial contrivances established to support acts of terrorism and other illegal acts. The report in its introduction states ". . . some information is still being cross checked. Several files have already been examined by various police services, who have been able to corroborate some data, even if Justice [Ministry] has not always followed-up on them. Day to day events show us that some files never go anywhere and some others will no doubt never lead anywhere, for various reasons [emphasis added].
The report states: "To understand ‘Nebula’, one has to abandon the established path of logic as far as finances and politics are concerned. No longer can there be mention of nation states, of political party colors or of any economic coherence. Our conclusion would be that, over 20 years, some economical forces, some of which are of the mafia-type linked to the political power and organized crime structures, have reached the 4th level of money laundering, in other words: Absolute Power."
The ATLAS Report also identified who the Belgian police believed was a kingpin of Nebula. It is also noteworthy how Costa Rica is identified as a major nexus for the worldwide network. The information about Russian-Israeli Mafia control of Costa Rica has been verified by recent information obtained by WMR from Costa Rican sources. The ATLAS Report states:
"We have been informed about a person who appears to be one of the mysterious top leaders in several countries, (including ours).
This person is portrayed as being the ‘éminence grise’, the de facto director of most of the big multinational companies whose structures are being used to launder large amounts of capital. This person is: PRZEDBORSKI, Felix, born 12 December 1930, ‘stateless’, husband to Helène KRYGIER, formerly living in TERVUREN.
On the subject of this person, we have been told that:
-He has a double nationality: Belgium + Costa Rica.
We have been able to confirm that he obtained Belgium nationality on 6 September 1978, a few days before his emigration to Costa Rica. His wife, born 5 June 1931, obtained Belgian nationality on 28 December 1950.
-He is Ambassador of Costa Rica to IAEA in Vienna (anti-nuclear commission) and allegedly also holds the position of minister plenipotentiary of this same country at the European Economic Community as well as to France (where has offices on Avenue Wilson, Paris).
-He actually lives in Costa Rica, where he owns the property BELLA VISTA in the San José Country Club, Escazu/San José-Costa Rica.
-He regurly resides in our country, in Tervuren, Lorrainedreef n° ?, where he is the subscriber of telephone number 02/7679584 (Secret)."
One of Przedborski's sons is also identified by Belgian police as a Nebula kingpin and heir apparent to his father: "(2) Named Daniël. Lawyer in Brussels and Geneva. He allegedly wishes to take over the leadership of the ‘Nebula’. His wife is said to be the daughter of a mafia godfather, close to CRAXHI (ex prime-minister of Italy, mentioned in operation MANI PULITE)*. Have found his address: (first names André-Marc, Daniel), born 7 May 1954 in Berchem-St-Agathe, Belgian, Lawyer, husband to BIALETTI, Alessandra, living in Switzerland since 11 December 84-Plateau de Frontanex n. 9C in 1208 Geneva (extremely expensive/up-scale quarter of Geneva). Subject still maintains attorney offices in Brussels, Avenue du Vert Chasseur n. 42 in 1180 Uccle (phone 02/3752408)
-----Ed. note: *Operation Clean Hands during 1990s targeting corruption by several Italian politicians, including Silvio Berlusconi.
The ATLAS Report identifies the activities of Przedborski: "The structure being headed by Félix PRZEDBORSKI is involved in trafficking various items worldwide:
To this end an economical-political structure has been erected in the last 40 years over which he reigns as the Absolute Master.
Although illiterate, he speaks 7 or 8 languages and is gifted with an extraordinary cunning intelligence, which has left him totally without any moral value whatsoever.
It is said that the financial foundation of his Group is estimated at 7 billion USD.
It is often said that to get on top of the hill, one has to surround himself with only the best. This is what Przedborski has practised, ‘buying’ the greatest economists, lawyers, etc. ... pushing his friends into leadership positions in several countries. For the security of his person and that of his group, Felix has called upon the security services of an ex-Mossad Colonel.
4. In order to understand this ‘Nebula’, one has to go back to the end of WWII, when PRZEDBORSKI allegedly was held prisoner in AUSCHWITZ , where he became friends with Belgian co-prisoners, among whom was the father of the late minister André Cools. [Ed. note: other source says KZ Mauthausen, not Auschwitz.]
Apparently Przedborski was liberated by a Russian general, for whom Przedborski set up some black market trafficking (jeans, Rolex ...) Around 1950 PRZEDBORSKI left Russia, but he always stayed in contact. His Belgian co-prisoners have taken care of things so he could come over to our country. Even at this early stage, PRZEDBORSKI was in contact with:
-CIA (Vienna station, Rome station) (the CIA appears to still be playing a role in this Nebula, in particular in respect of arms smuggle, for which payments were
transferred via GEOFFREY’s Bank).
-Italian MAFIA
5. In 1956, PRZEDBORSKI was arrested in Germany for his involvement in the trafficking of nuclear materials with some Chinese. Chancelor Adenauer apparently intervened personally to keep him out of jail. (The file on this subject was filed at the BKA Bundes Kriminal Amt under the codename SPRINGER). It is rather amazing to find that PRZEDBORSKI continued the nuclear deals even when being a member of the IAEA in Vienna in his capacity of Ambassdor of Costa Rica! Have confirmed that PRZEDBORSKI Félix was indeed listed in the IAEA in Vienna as being Ambassador of Costa Rica.
6.Toward the end of the 70s, beginning of the 80s, PRZEDBORSKI allegedly directed a Belgium-based international arms smuggle, in exchange of which drugs (heroin) were delivered. PRZEDBORSKI was a friend Carlos MONGE (president of Coast Rica-deceded)
who had made him honorary consul of this Central-American nation neighbouring NICARAGUA and PANAMA.
He [Przedborski] initially has set up a heroin smuggle with the help of the Ambassadors of this country, among whom the Ambassador to Luxembourg and Geneva. Same for the Ambassadors in Warsaw and Moscow (apparently arrested with 24 kg of heroin)
-The weapons have been shipped from FN Fabrique Nationale via the airport of Bierset (Liège) being initially aircargoed to NANTES / FRANCE from where they were flown to Costa Rica (to SANTA ELENA, a vast region inside that country).
On the way back, drugs were flown in.
-In this arms trafficking , we were told, following persons were involved:
a. André COOLS, ex-minister, assassinated;
b. Roger BOAS (ESCO company)
c. Abraham SHAVIT- assistant to Roger BOAS-personal friend of Israel minister BEGIN. It is said that André Cools stayed at Shavit’s place whenever he visited Israel.
d. Guy Mathot, ex-minister
e. Paul Vanden Boeynants, ex-premier
f. Fernand Beaurir, general commandant of the gendarmerie.
Apparently Henri SIMONET (at the time has was Foreign Affairs minister and had Alfred CAHEN and Anne-Marie LIZIN working for him) was in the know of this. It is said that some Irangate weapons transited through this network to the Contras in Nicaragua (In this context it appeared that PRZEDBORSKI addressed a US president by his first name).
7. Around 1983, PRZEDBORSKI hired an ex-Mossad colonel to ensure his security
and that of his group.
PRZEDBORSKI had known this colonel, who, still working for Mossad, intervened unofficially to liberate the daughter of the international arms trafficker ‘Raymond NAKACHIAN’ (phonetic spelling). After which the colonel and his team quit the Mossad and started working for Przedborski.
This colonel served as a middleman to set-up shop in Belgium for Ketib-El-Ketib (Lebanese financier) deceased??, to set-up shop for the PLO in Brussels. He also took care of the military training of CONTRAS and CALI Cartel personnel.
8. Around 1985/86, Leon DEFERM (personal friend of Guy Mathot, Edmond Leburton and Michel Daerden etc...) was introduced to PRZEDBORSKI, for whom he started to launder large amounts of money.
(In this context we were told of the involvement of French CGE Compagnie Générale des Eaux and Lyonnaise des Eaux)
It is interesting to note that Przedborski and Deferm shared a mistress by the name of Helena KOHLBRUNER, who was recently arrested in Geneva in possession of (securities / shares / bonds / notes).
-The person who introduced DEFERM was the Brussels lawyer Marc KADANER who was instrumental in the Nebula operations. KADANER allegedly held control over Bernard ANSELME, francophone community minister, who, rumor has it, can often be found drunk at 10 a.m. We were told that another lawyer working for the Nebula was Mr AFSCHRIFT whose services were highly appreciated by the Russians.
9. In 1993 , following the ratification of the GATT, the European Economic Community revised the banana import quota. This revision could have been effective had it not been for the omission of one country from the resolution: Germany, where the transit of bananas remained authorized.
This decision of the CEE was apparently influenced by a conference that Przedborski organized at the occasion of a reception party at his private home in TERVUREN.
Following people attended:
-the president of Colombia,
-the president of Honduras,
-the president of Nicaragua,
-Mr Jacques Delors (president of the EEC commission)
-Mr Frederic Velghe ( director Caisse Privée Bank)
-a certain Le Hoday
All illegal transhipments were routed through the Zeebrugge Northsea terminal, via the Eurocomer company, whose main financier was Caisse Privée Bank.
Info is transmitted to us, we cannot link this with the banana-terminal at Zeebrugge. Rather it is to be stipulated that it was through the terminal of the GHENT port that about $5.000.000 were laundered with the help of Alain De Rouck of Ghent and more specifically through the ELECTRORAIL company. We were told that Jean-Pierre VAN ROSSEM had set-up this laundering structure and that part of the laundered money was transferred to the Cayman Islands via Banque Brussel Lambert.
10. We obtained information on various of PRZEDBORSKI’s money laundering intermediaries.
a. BERCOVITCH (two brothers)
-the first being employed in the diamond business, not involved.
-the second is an art dealer, owner of the BERCO art galleries in ANTWERP, BRUSSELS and KNOKKE.
Their lawyer was Me ROGGEN, daughter of the next character.
b. ROGGEN, Yvan (ex-governor of the Brabant province)
-member of the Grande Loge
-also honorary consul of Costa Rica
-private secretary of PRZEDBORSKI
c. the KRIWIN family (ex bankers)
-of which one daughter Anne is a lawyer at the Brussels bar
d. the SCHEYVEN family (father and son)
-one of the richest families in Belgium;
-(covert?) financiers of the PSC party [Christian Popular Party]
-active member of the CEPIC and financier of the PSC via the AMELINCKX construction company.
[CEPIC was an extreme right wing group centered on PSC minister Paul Vanden Boeynants-linked to Cercle Pinay]
e. Frederic VELGHE (Caisse Privée Bank)
f. Pierre SALIK (a big importer of money for PRZEDBORSKI)
-his daughters were once the fiancées of PRZEDBORSKI’s sons. We do not know why they never married.
-this person obviously is very important within the Nebula, especially in respect of the operations conducted by his son-in-law Michel DWEK (Belgian aged ca. 35)
-works together with Ronald BRUCKNER (see below)
-works together with his nephew Serge BORENSTEIN, who takes care of money transfers via PRAGUE.
g. Serge BORENSTEIN (ca. 45 years of age-nephew of Pierre SALIK)
-residing in Prague, formerly the capital of Czechoslovakia. Initially this was the main route for Przedborski to launder the proceeds of his criminal activity.
-as to this figure, we got info from the Chinese criminal milieu: he served as a middleman for the acquisition of a real estate complex including the restaurants CITY OF THE DRAGON in Brussels (17 mll $) and Liège ( 12 mll $)-(see YANG file)
h. A MIAMI company (Florida/USA): NEW REPUBLIC
This company had an account at the CGER [ASLK, Algemene Spaar-en Lijfrente Kas]
Managed exclusively by PRZEDBORSKI Felix (mentioned supra) and Farouk KHAN (of the KHAN-gang). This account was liquidated in 1990 (when the new law on money laundering took effect) and the funds -2 bn $- were transferred to IRAQ.
i. Another company was mentioned that apparently was one of the most important ones and that was recently acquired by the Russians: COMUELE S.A.
This company, acquired in the early 80s, held ‘stock value’ of about 1.3 M$.
Since then a total of 200 M $ has been transferred in particular by Serge BORENSTEIN in Prague.
The company holds offices in ZAIRE, NETHERLANDS, LUXEMOURG.
In this company the following persons hold a position (cross checked with VAT number 403.340.648-Commerce Register nr Brussels 15.175-Capital 681.441.715 Belgian Francs= ca. 22 M $)
According to our informant:
(According to National Registers born in Czechoslovakia on 20 October 1947, of American nationality, divorced from Susana KASZIRER in 1989-see below-stricken from the ANTWERP population registers on 16 December 1994)
Real estate agent in Brussels
-works for a certain ‘GLOBUS GROUP’ (??? Nationality unknown)
-he mediated the entry of the Russians into COMUELE co
-he was introduced to the Russians by Maurice TEMPELSMAN, widower friend of Jacqueline Kennedy, herself widow of the American president)
-he allegedly met the Russians on the occasion of (his or her) birthday party in Brussels in 1994. One of these Russians was Mike BRANDWAIN (director of the M&S International company of Antwerp, being mentioned in the BLACKSTONE file as well as in a file on the Russian Mafia in New York-US Customs, July 1994)
Another Russian was called ADIC from Antwerp.
-At this dinner, some serious threats were exchanged. The Russians had invested 100 M $ in the COMUELE SA, it was said that the source of the money was Israel.
The reason was (according to our info) that the company capital was increased in 1990 but the Americans refused to participate. It was on this occasion that the Russians were invited in and consequently were swindled out of the 100 M $ they had hoped to launder or to invest.
According to HELP , the cy capital was increased from 9 M $ to 22 M $ in 1992. The previous increase in cy capital was in 1989, lifting it to 3 M $ only.
X-Michel WOLF
-Belgian living in the Liège region
-manager of a.o. the Michel Wolf & Brothers cy
-parking, parking meters etc..
X-Arthur FOGEL
-presently president of the SOGEPA company (Chaussée de Vleurgat n. 243 in 1050 Brussels)
-it has been reported that Bruno GOLDBERGER and Arthur FOGEL were looking for new company associates for COMUELE, candidates being the WOLF brothers and a certain BAUMANN
-on BAUMANN we can testify that he actually lives in PULLY near LAUSANNE in Switzerland, Chemin Chamblande 19, employé of UNIMEDICA cy of Froideville (near Lausanne).
-owns a residence on the beachfront at Saint Jean Cap Ferrat (S France)
-his working permit is actually under scrutiny from the Swiss authorities
-has studied Law and Finances in Antwerp and in the USA
-works for fiduciary companies in France & Switzerland
-appears to have become enormously wealthy, setting up money laundering systems, takes care personally of money transfers for the Russians.
-Brussels broker
-adress Avenue Fr Roosevelt 94, Brussels
-works for ‘Groupe ‘DEFI’
-has business relations with Max TERET of FNAC and CANAL + (it was apparently through this French television company and through LYONNAISE DES EAUX that large amounts of money have been laundered on behalf of PRZEDBORSKI and/or others among which CREDIT LYONNAIS)
-his name was dropped as a candidate successor to PRZEDBORSKI.
X-Pierre SALIK
-involved personally or via companies whose names start with JA or JU.
X-the Russians
-recently took up some positions in the cy; there is a certain ADIC of Antwerp.
-we’re talking about Russian mafiosi here
-among who the famous Mike Brandwain
-is not officially on the cy records
-he represented the Israeli partners (who provided the 100 M $ ???)
-no further info available on this person
j. A particular laundering network within the PRZEDBORSKI group has been brought to our attention: the DIAMOND network of Antwerp.
The basis of PRZEDBORSKI’s wealth appears to have been the diamond trade and smuggle. As early as the 50s, when he arrived in Belgium, PRZEDBORSKI reportedly already enjoyed the friendship of the King of KASAI [rich province of the Belgian Congo] (To this end a structure has been set-up via Antwerp by the aforementioned Maurice TEMPELSMAN, a certain GOLDFINGER and a certain Leo SIMON). This network (see item J.) seems to exist independently and is only used on occasion by PRZEDBORSKI.
Involved in it are the following persons:
X-Sylvain LINKER
-Belgian, notary public at JUMET
-this person is the founder of the front companies used for money laundering
-had some trouble with justice after having orchestrated the theft of his own paintings
-diamond trader of Antwerp
X-Michel KÖNIG
-diamond trader of Antwerp
X-The TACHE brothers
-diamond traders of Antwerp
X-the GOLDBERG brothers
-diamond traders of Antwerp
-the wife of one of the brothers is a judge in Antwerp
X-the ex-director of Sociéte Nationale d’Aviation Française (UTA)
X-the ex-director of IAL, Israel Air Lines, Ben ARI (father), also on the board of directors of the Liège-Bierset Airport.
X-Charles BORNET, a Brussels lawyer
x-Xavier MAGNEE
-Brussels lawyer, ex- president of the bar
X-the JACKIAN family (father & son)
-both lawyers, the father being an ex-president of the bar
k. we have been informed of the names of the banks involved in the PRZEDBORSKI group for money laundering:
-COLBERT Bank (named after the ex-minister of France)
-DISCOUNT Bank with offices in Luxemburg and Geneva
-NATIONAL REPUBLIC BANK with offices in Luxembourg and New York. It seems that a certain SAFRA is in charge of the special transfers.
We have noticed that this bank is also being used by:
a.Paul Vanden Boeynants, ex-minister, ex-prime minister
b.Roger BOAS, from the ASCO company
c.Abraham SHAVIT
11. It is reported that within his Group, PRZEDBORSKI is assisted by the following persons
a. Bruno GOLDBERGER (see above)
-ex-husband of Suzanna KASZYRER, daughter of Joseph. We have been informed that in the early 80s Bruno GOLDBERGER has set-up a financial structure that later proved to be used a diamonds laundering operation by his father-in-law. When GOLDBERGER discovered this, he quit. Apparently there must have been a court case involving diamond traders and the ABN-AMRO Bank.
In the course of the proceeding someone must have spilled the beans. This person then ‘jumped’ to his death from the 47th floor a NY building. It is said that the killing was ordered by Joseph KASZYRER.
b. Pierre SALIK
-involved in the COMUELE Co directly or through front companies whose names start with JA or JU.
-is in contact with the Australian billionaire Allan BOND.
(Allan BOND: Australian aged ca. 50, acknowledged billionaire in Australia.
Owner of millions of hectares of property on which drugs culturescare grown.
Associate of Albert FRERE (who helped BOND penetrate the Belgian market;
Owns 4.8% of Groupe Bruxelles Lambert-since he holds >5%, no declaration is required under Belgian law. Has initiated very important company take-overs in the USA.)
c. Ronald BRUCKNER (Belgian ca. 35 years of age)
-works in Germany for the East-European countries, a.o. Russia
-works in direct liaison with Michel DWEK (son-in-law of Pierre SALIK)
d. CALUWE-PUTSEYS ass. lawyers
-a member of the CALUWE family is member of the Loge du Grand Orient.
-this cabinet took charge of the defense of Pierre SALIK and Roland BRUCKNER
Who got ensnared in some smuggling operation with the eastern countries. It is said that they induced a procedural error by having some documents stolen, thus claiming that the defense attorneys had been unable to study the evidence. The theft was arranged when the files were transferred. The investigating judge was Guido BELLEMANS.
e. VANDERELST, Brussels lawyers (father & son)
1.Raymond (father):
-PRZEDBORSKI’s attorney,
-Attorney for the Loge du Grand Orient of Belgium of which he is a member.
-Personal advisor to King Albert II
-Works or has worked for the cabinet of Pierre LAMBERT
2. Michel (son)
-was arrested in the case of the kidnapping of ex-premier Paul Vanden Boeynants, with the HAEMERS-gang
f. Koen BLIJWEERT (Belgian)
-very active in the money laundering business
-son of Renaat BLIJWEERT, directorof the now bankrupt AMELINCKX construction cy.
g. Jacques MAISON
-Brussels political figure (involved in city finances)
-involved in the affair of the (securities / stocks / bonds / funds/ notes)
-is the point-of-contact for a Luxembourg-based ‘ godfather’
-actually engaged in organizing funds to the tune of 100-130 M $ for the ‘Eastern Countries’
h. Lionel PERL
-ca 45 years of age
-has been awarded a honorary title ‘Grande Distinction’ by SOLVAY Cy
-works from Antwerp, laundering Russian capital
-worked for several banks, was kicked out of Bank de GROOF after it was discovered that he had installed a laundering mechanism in the bank.
i. Cardinal BELLINI
-lives in Brussels, Avenue Bellevue 55 or 57
-Vatican representative for real estate matters outside of Italy
Please note that pope Paul II, who is a friend of PRZEDBORSKI’s, after his OPUS DEI sponsored ascent to the pontificate, has appointed cardinal Rossi as the manager of
Vatican real estate in Italie. The right hand of ROSSI was none other than cardinal Marcinkus who himself got entangled in the securities (bonds, stock..) affair linked to the Banco Ambrosiano debacle.
j. Patrick FOCQUET (Belgian)
-ex employee of TUBEMEUSE cy
-held a position in the SOCOFIN cy and Bank NAEGELMAECKERS
k. David PINSENT (American)
-manager of the peanut company PLANTATION TRUST
12. PRZEDBORSKI , Grand Master of the Jewish Loge, very influential in the political world either by friendship or corruption.
His business relations were:
a. André COOLS
-Belgian ex-minister, assassinated;
-PRZEDBORSKI had a special relationship with Cools, given the old friendship with Cools senior.
-they frequently met and got into man-to-man talks in ANTIBES / FRANCE
b. Willy DECLERK
-Belgian ex-minister
-actually member of EEC
-it is said that he is at the orders of PRZEDBORSKI
c. Willy CLAES
-Belgian ex-minister of Foreign Affaird (last position held)
-actually Secretary General of NATO in Brussels
d. Alfred CAHEN
-Belgian Ambassador to FRANCE
-his spouse is Mme Nicole de BEAUVAY, formerly first honorary assistant to Queen Fabiola. She left the royal court when her husband took up his diplomatic position in Paris.
-Master of the Loge
-friend of late King Baudouin
-friend of Willy CLAES
-ex secretary general of Foreign Affairs ministry (headed by Mr SIMONET) where he issued a diplomatic passport to PRZEDBORSKI in 1986.
-at that moment in time, Anne-Marie LIZIN worked with SIMONET as well. LIZIN, given her intimate relationship with SIMONET, had the opportunity to collect evidence about the aforementioned arms deals, which could have resulted in her ‘immunity’. She was also the mistress of André COOLS.
e. François MITTERAND
-president of FRANCE
-French ex-minister
-committed suicide last year
g. Jacques DELORS
-president of the ECC commission
-French ex-minister of finances
-possible candidate for the French presidential elections
-worked for Banque de France [France National Bank]
h. ?? MERLY
-mayor of the city of ANTIBES/ FRANCE
We have been told that nearly all of Cap d’Antibes is the personally owned by PRZEDBORSKI who lives in a stunning property in the street ‘Impasse Félix’, named after him.
Following persons have been reported there:
-André COOLS
-Didier PINEAU VALENCIENNES of the SCHNEIDER GROUP, involved in money laundering affair.
13. Presently PRZEDBORSKI group is working on a large scale tourist real estate project (1800 square KM) in Costa Rica (SANTA ELENA), a 2 Bn $ investment.
Involved in this project:
-the chain CONRAD and Romi BARON (formerly of the MONITOR Cy and CENTRE ROGIER in Brussels)
-‘GAONE’ from Geneva
14.Felix PRZEDBORSKI is reported to be ill, so an internal succession struggle is developing.
a. Daniel PRZEDBORSKI (his son, lawyer in Brussels)
b. Daniel WEECKERS (broker, involved in COMUELE S.A.)
c. Two or three Frenchmen:
Among who Max TERET, friend of Felix PRZEDBORSKI, director of CANAL + (through which money was laundered in cooperation with Lyonnaise des Eaux)
15. We were able to piece together following chronology:
1984: association of A. FOGEL and B. GOLDBERGER on the one hand, and Joseph KASZIRER on the other. They set-up a structure for real estate investment, founding a company for each acquisition, functioning as a recycling machine for cash derived from ‘black’ dealings in diamonds in Antwerp and NY.
The general set-up being taken care of by Charles DILLEY (Brussels lawyer) via a Luxemburg holding cy , funds being transferred via ABN-AMRO Bank and NATIONAL REPUBLIC BANK of NY.
1987: splitting of association, but FOGEL and GOLDBERGER stick together.
Two events then follow:
1-they meet BAUM and STEINMETZ.
2-they get in touch with D. WEECKERS and through him with
PRZEDBORSKI Felix (his daughters being engaged to the SALIK sons)
SALIK, Pierre (associate of GOLDBERGER in SOGEPA Cy and others)
BORENSTEIN, Serge (nephew of SALIK)
1988/89. Big merger with COMUELE of which they grab control through Daniel WEECKERS.
1990. Felix PRZEDBORSKI has liquidated his account (the NEW REPUBLIC account) at
CGER (ASLK) so 2 Bn $ are transferred and Serge BORENSTEIN gets the washing machine started in PRAGUE.
The COMUELE Cy is getting into financial trouble, needs capital urgently.
The Americans refuse to participate to increase capital.
GOLDBERGER enters the Russians via Maurice TEMPELSMAN, they accept to invest 100 Mn $. It is stipulated that the capital originates from Israel. FOGEL and GOLDBERGER are aware of that.
The Americans exit the company.
By the end of 1994, COMUELE is unable to pay interests due.
October 1994: the Russians get real angry and threaten several people, they invite GOLDBERGER to UKRAINE for some explanations.
16. The reasons for our transmitting this report before having cross-checked are multiple.
(not relevant)
17. Let’s not forget that this Nebula controls most of the money transfers worldwide and also controls the highest political authorities.
This Nebula could, if so desired, put pressure on most of the important cities worldwide and get control over the almost everything (energy supply, water supply, environment), through corruption. This has been going on for several years.
Let’s not forget that this same Nebula provides the security forces, police and military to several countries, including their equipment (weapons, communications etc..).
Listed as being part of this structure:
GEC General Electric Cy (weapons, water supply, etc..
ALCATEL: communications
HODY, Jean-Marie DECK, Didier
GRAFF, Commandant
Officer Resp BSR.
The assassinations, suicides, and defenestrations associated with Nebula appear linked to another high-profile murder of a West German politician, Uwe Barschel, which was previously reported by WMR on August 26, 2009:
"The neocons, in their normal group think fashion, are now teaming up to launch all-out attacks on Scotland for releasing from prison convicted PanAm 103 bomber Abdelbeset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi. Some neocons are urging a boycott of Scottish products and tourism. Of course, the demonization of Scotland comes as Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu visits Prime Minister Gordon Brown in London and follows Israeli attacks on Sweden's government over an Aftonbladet report on Israelis trafficking in Palestinian body parts removed from the bodies young Palestinians killed by Israeli troops, Ireland's former President and UN Human Rights Commissioner Mary Robinson for receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama, and Norway over a boycott of Israeli products by a Norwegian regional government. The blaming of Libya for the take down of PanAm 103 was concocted by the CIA and Mossad, working in tandem, to cover up their activities related to weapons smuggling with Iran in the 1980s. Had Iran been officially blamed for the December 1988 attack on PanAm 103, retaliation for the USS Vincennes attack on an Iran Air Airbus-300 in July 1988, the lucrative joint CIA-Mossad weapons smuggling program to and from Iran during the Iran-Iraq war would have become an embarrassment. Therefore, a cover story was created to blame Libya for the bombing and two Libyan agents, Megrahi, who was later convicted, and Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah, who was acquitted based on the same flimsy and dubious evidence used to convict Megrahi, were named as the perpetrators.
The Iranian connection was never revealed by the CIA, which was under orders to cook the intelligence to pin the blame for Lockerbie on Libya.
A declassified Air Intelligence Agency, formerly SECRET NOFORN WNINTEL, dated March 4, 1991, states that Iranian Interior Minister Ayatollah Ali Akbar Mohtashemi ordered the attack on PanAm 103 in retaliation for the Iran Airbus downing by the U.S. Navy. The relevant paragraph in the redacted report states: 'Mohtashemi is closely connected with the Al Abas and Abu Nidal terrorist groups. He is actually a long-time friend of Abu Nidal. He has recently paid 10 million dollars in cash and gold to these two organizations to carry out terrorist activities and was the one who paid the same amount to bomb Pan Am flight 103 in retaliation for the U.S. shootdown of the Iranian Airbus. Mohtashemi has also spent time in Lebanon.'
Two veteran ABC News correspondents, one in Paris and the other in Nicosia, later told this editor that the wire transfer of $10 million from Iran via a Greek bank to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley for the construction of the Pan Am 103 bomb was intercepted by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) Ayios Nikolaos listening station in Cyprus. Both correspondents said the blaming of Libya for the Lockerbie bombing was fantasy from the beginning. It was later revealed that Nidal, who later was given asylum by Saddam Hussein in Baghdad and died there under suspicious circumstances in 2002, had alternately worked for the CIA, Mossad, and Egyptian and Kuwaiti intelligence.
The CIA and Mossad went to extreme lengths to keep their secret arms smuggling network to Iran from exposure. This was during the time of the Iran-contra scandal and the transition from Ronald Reagan to George H. W. Bush. Bush was deeply enmeshed in the Iran-contra scandal and its links to the smuggling of weapons to Ayatollah Khomeini's government in Iran.
In 1987, the up-and-coming Christian Democratic Union Premier of the German state of Schleswig-Holstein, Uwe Barschel, began objecting to the use of Hartenholm airport in his state for the smuggling of weapons to and from Iran. The Iranian-run airport was also used to smuggle nuclear materials and drugs. Barschel was lured to the Hotel Beau-Rivage in Geneva by what WMR was told were CIA and Mossad agents operating under diplomatic cover with the assistance of the Federal German Bundesnacrichtendienst(BND) intelligence service. On October 11, 1987, Barschel was discovered dead and fully-clothed in his hotel room's water-filled bathtub. The drug Lorazepam was found in his blood stream. The autopsy of Barschel indicated force was used against him before his death.
Years ago, the editor was provided with copies of TOP SECRET CIA cables intercepted by East German intelligence in 1987. The cables are between the military attache at the US. Embassy in Bern and the Joint Chiefs' Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center (ITAC) at the Pentagon, with copies to the CIA's Deputy Director of Operations and the Director of the NSA, that suggest that the decision was made to assassinate Barschel, code named "Perch," after two agents, a CIA agent code named "Lokal" and a Mossad agent code-named "Rabbi" met with Barschel in Geneva, code named "Laketown," only to discover the Schleswig-Holstein Premier was "unyielding" to their demands about permitting his state to be used for Iranian arms and drug smuggling. The German word for the fish "perch" is "Barsch."
The second intercepted CIA cable states: "Jerry took Perch to Temple met with Lokal and Rabbi at 2130 Perch unyielding refuses coop Rabbi ordered disposition alternative w asap advise no act." In can be assumed that the CIA was being informed that Mossad was recommending that Barschel be eliminated and the CIA was informing Langley that no action was required on the part of the CIA.
Two days after Barschel's meeting with the CIA and Mossad agents, his body was discovered in the bathtub in Room 317 at the Beau-Rivage.
A little over a year later, Pan Am 103, would be blown up over the skies of Scotland. To protect the Iranian-CIA-Mossad smuggling link, Libya would be framed for the attack. And in an added bonus, a group of CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) personnel who may have been aware of the CIA's connections to the Iran-contra and Israeli weapons smuggling operations with Iran happened to be on board the ill-fated Boeing 747: Matthew Gannon, the CIA's deputy station chief in Beirut; Major Chuck McKee, assigned to the DIA station in Beirut; Ronald Lariviere, a security officer at the U.S. embassy in Beirut; and Daniel O'Connor, a security officer at the U.S. embassy in Nicosia. Assistant Deputy Director Michael S. Bernstein, a special agent for the Office of Special Investigation at the Department of Justice.
Scottish Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill, who is under tremendous political fire for releasing Megrahi to Libya while he lives his last days with prostate cancer, may still have the last triumph. Megrahi is vowing to present new evidence establishing his innocence. Barack Obama, who shows more and more by his actions that he still answers to his old employer, the CIA -- while he worked for the CIA front Business International Corporation and perhaps before and after -- wants Megrahi kept under house arrest in Libya.
There is little wonder why the Israel Lobby and Obama and FBI director Robert Mueller are so incensed over MacAskill's actions. Mueller was assistant to Attorney General Richard Thornburgh in 1989 and prosecuted both Megrahi and Fhimah, as well as long-time CIA operative Manuel Noriega of Panama. Obama and Mueller are clearly trying to cover the tracks of their respective agencies as Megrahi prepares to tell all."
On November 2, 2010, WMR reported on the strong Israeli and Mossad influence over the government of Costa Rica: "On October 28, Nicaragua accused Costa Rica of staging cross border raids by Costa Rican paramilitary police into Nicaraguan territory. Costa Rica has been warning Nicaragua against dredging the San Juan River inside Nicaraguan territory. Costa Rica, which fancies itself as an ecological 'green haven,' claims the dredging of the river is causing environmental damage. But as WMR previously reported, Costa Rica, which is backed by George Soros 'civil society' agents of influence, as well as Israeli intelligence agents, is trying to paint Nicaragua as an aggressive destroyer of the environment.
On November 1, Costa Rica claimed that Nicaraguan troops had taken up position on Calero island in the San Juan River and which is claimed by both countries. Nicaragua claims that its troops are in the area to control drug trafficking from Costa Rica, which WMR previously reported involved Costa Rican police and inteligence personnel. In a statement published by The Washington Post, Nicaraguan Army chief of staff General Julio Aviles confirmed WMR's previous report stating the drug trafficking from Costa Rica is controlled by an ex-patriate Nicaraguan family operating from San Jose, the Costa Rican capital.
WMR has also learned that the paramilitary operatives operating out of Costa Rica, including CIA and Mossad agents, are now looking at extending their destabilization operations into El Salvador, now governed by the leftist Farabundo Marti Liberation Front government of President Mauricio Funes, an ally of Ortega in Nicaragua. The tactic being used by the Chinchilla-Lieberman regime in San Jose is the same as that being used against Nicaragua: flood El Salvador with cocaine to increase drug gang warfare and instability.
Most of the drug smuggling from Costa Rica into Nicaragua and El Salvador is being conducted by Russian-Israeli mafiosi figures operating under diplomatic cover at the Israeli embassy in San Jose. Others officially operate in San Jose as 'Russian Martial Arts' trainers, however, they are actually Israeli Defense Force 'Krav Maga' trainers.
One of the Mossad suspects, now wanted by INTERPOL, in the assassination of a Palestinian official in Dubai was susoected of making death threats and engaging an an attempted kidnapping in Costa Rica but the Costa Rican government declined prosecution. The Israeli suspect's false identity in the Dubai assassination is Kevin Daveron, born 2/2/1972, Ireland Passport 980975, alias Jonathan Lewis Graham (stolen identity from a United Kingdom passport.

Ex-Israeli commandos operating in Costa Rica with the blessing of Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman (not known to be a relation to Costa Rica's pro-Zionist Vice President Luis Lieberman Ginsburg; Avigdor hails from Moldova while Luis is of Polish descent) operate under the cover of the Mossad-linked security firm Bitajon Shar, which has been connected, according to WMR's Central American sources, to the destabilization efforts on the Costa Rican borders with Nicaragua and El Salvador."
In updated information provided to WMR from Costa Rican sources, the Costa Rican charged with the assassination of popular Argentine folk singer Facundo Cabral in Guatemala in July is tied to the Mossad-linked criminal druig smuggling network operating throughout Central America and Mexico. Alejandro Jiménez Gonzalez, charged in the killing of Cabral, is the Costa Rican leader of a Central American money laundering syndicate. The actual target of the assassination may have been Cabral's driver, Nicaraguan Elite nigh clubs owner Henry Farinas, who reportedly received protection from the Nicaraguan government of Daniel Ortega, a prime target of the Israeli syndicates in Costa Rica. In addition to Guatemala, Farinas owns night clubs in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama and he has, in the past, been linked to the CIA. However, because of his links to Ortega, Farinas may have had a falling out with Langley, which used friendly Mossad operatives to target him in Guatemala, but ended up killing Cabral instead.
WMR has reported extensively on the activities of the Russian-Israeli Mafia but, thanks to the ATLAS Report from the Belgian police, the Mafia now has a proper name: Nebula....
September , 2011 -- Classified Belgian police report on Nebula receives another look...
In the mid-1990s, a report prepared by the Belgian police, which looked into the assassination of former Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Belgian Socialist Party leader Andre Cools, in a gangland-style murder in 1991, is getting a fresh look after reports have surfaced about Mossad links to neo-Nazi, anti-Muslim gangs, some with criminal underpinnings, that are masquerading as legitimate political movements in Belgium, the Netherlands, and other countries. The renewed interest in the Belgian police report, known as the ATLAS Report, is of special interest following the recent massacre of Norwegian socialist youth on Utoya island and a deadly bombing in downtown Oslo carried out by pro-Zionist, neo-Nazi Anders Behring Breivik.
The ATLAS Report's detailed investigation of Zionist players in global financial scandals dovetails with recent comments by officials of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood that the former corrupt regime of Hosni Mubarak represented a "Talmudic dictatorship" imposed on Egypt by international players. The comments made by the Brotherhood were highlighted in a recent seminar on Islam and democracy held in Jakarta by the Jakarta Foreign Correspondents' Club.
Before Cools's murder, Belgium had been wracked by Italian Gladio-style "strategy of tension" (or, as in Turkey today, Ergenekon) right-wing terrorist attacks, including death squad hits and bombings, which were initially blamed by authorities on leftist guerrilla groups such as the Communist Combatant Cells. Cools's hometown of Liege was the center of the nexus of organized crime syndicates and the right-wing Gladio cells. However, it was not the revelation that Cools and other top Belgian politicians were involved in Belgium's right-wing "deep state" that brought down their house of cards but the infamous Agusta helicopter scandal.
Agusta, the Italian helicopter manufacturer and a licensee of Bell helicopters of the United States, bribed Socialist Party leaders, including Cools and then-NATO Secretary General Willy Claes, a friend of Cools, to cement a Belgian Army contract for 42 helicopters, which would replace the Army's aging French Alouette helicopters. Cools was to have received $10 million in bribes but the cash he received turned out to be counterfeit. Cools, in retaliation, threatened to tell all he knew about the Agusta deal and much more. It was Cools's threat to go public that earned him two bullets while he was sitting in his car next to his girlfriend. One bullet struck Cools in the head, the other to his chest. His girlfriend was also hit but she survived. What Cools threatened to expose was an intricate network of terrorists, nuclear smugglers, drug dealers, diamond and gold smugglers, and weapons merchants who were ultimately tied to Mossad and a shadowy network of influential European Jewish Zionists, a network known as "Nebula." The details on Nebula are contained in the ATLAS report. The ATLAS report is also the main subject of a 400-page book on Belgium's deep state politics to be published in Belgium in the Dutch language in 2012.
The Confidential "Not to be used in court proceedings" ATLAS report was issued by the Special Investigations Unit of the Belgian gendarmerie in Liege on November 21, 1994. It is clear that the authors of the report realized the problems they faced in pointing to Jewish criminal networks as a major force behind Europe's "strategy of tension" and the financial contrivances established to support acts of terrorism and other illegal acts. The report in its introduction states ". . . some information is still being cross checked. Several files have already been examined by various police services, who have been able to corroborate some data, even if Justice [Ministry] has not always followed-up on them. Day to day events show us that some files never go anywhere and some others will no doubt never lead anywhere, for various reasons [emphasis added].
The report states: "To understand ‘Nebula’, one has to abandon the established path of logic as far as finances and politics are concerned. No longer can there be mention of nation states, of political party colors or of any economic coherence. Our conclusion would be that, over 20 years, some economical forces, some of which are of the mafia-type linked to the political power and organized crime structures, have reached the 4th level of money laundering, in other words: Absolute Power."
The ATLAS Report also identified who the Belgian police believed was a kingpin of Nebula. It is also noteworthy how Costa Rica is identified as a major nexus for the worldwide network. The information about Russian-Israeli Mafia control of Costa Rica has been verified by recent information obtained by WMR from Costa Rican sources. The ATLAS Report states:
"We have been informed about a person who appears to be one of the mysterious top leaders in several countries, (including ours).
This person is portrayed as being the ‘éminence grise’, the de facto director of most of the big multinational companies whose structures are being used to launder large amounts of capital. This person is: PRZEDBORSKI, Felix, born 12 December 1930, ‘stateless’, husband to Helène KRYGIER, formerly living in TERVUREN.
On the subject of this person, we have been told that:
-He has a double nationality: Belgium + Costa Rica.
We have been able to confirm that he obtained Belgium nationality on 6 September 1978, a few days before his emigration to Costa Rica. His wife, born 5 June 1931, obtained Belgian nationality on 28 December 1950.
-He is Ambassador of Costa Rica to IAEA in Vienna (anti-nuclear commission) and allegedly also holds the position of minister plenipotentiary of this same country at the European Economic Community as well as to France (where has offices on Avenue Wilson, Paris).
-He actually lives in Costa Rica, where he owns the property BELLA VISTA in the San José Country Club, Escazu/San José-Costa Rica.
-He regurly resides in our country, in Tervuren, Lorrainedreef n° ?, where he is the subscriber of telephone number 02/7679584 (Secret)."
One of Przedborski's sons is also identified by Belgian police as a Nebula kingpin and heir apparent to his father: "(2) Named Daniël. Lawyer in Brussels and Geneva. He allegedly wishes to take over the leadership of the ‘Nebula’. His wife is said to be the daughter of a mafia godfather, close to CRAXHI (ex prime-minister of Italy, mentioned in operation MANI PULITE)*. Have found his address: (first names André-Marc, Daniel), born 7 May 1954 in Berchem-St-Agathe, Belgian, Lawyer, husband to BIALETTI, Alessandra, living in Switzerland since 11 December 84-Plateau de Frontanex n. 9C in 1208 Geneva (extremely expensive/up-scale quarter of Geneva). Subject still maintains attorney offices in Brussels, Avenue du Vert Chasseur n. 42 in 1180 Uccle (phone 02/3752408)
-----Ed. note: *Operation Clean Hands during 1990s targeting corruption by several Italian politicians, including Silvio Berlusconi.
The ATLAS Report identifies the activities of Przedborski: "The structure being headed by Félix PRZEDBORSKI is involved in trafficking various items worldwide:
To this end an economical-political structure has been erected in the last 40 years over which he reigns as the Absolute Master.
Although illiterate, he speaks 7 or 8 languages and is gifted with an extraordinary cunning intelligence, which has left him totally without any moral value whatsoever.
It is said that the financial foundation of his Group is estimated at 7 billion USD.
It is often said that to get on top of the hill, one has to surround himself with only the best. This is what Przedborski has practised, ‘buying’ the greatest economists, lawyers, etc. ... pushing his friends into leadership positions in several countries. For the security of his person and that of his group, Felix has called upon the security services of an ex-Mossad Colonel.
4. In order to understand this ‘Nebula’, one has to go back to the end of WWII, when PRZEDBORSKI allegedly was held prisoner in AUSCHWITZ , where he became friends with Belgian co-prisoners, among whom was the father of the late minister André Cools. [Ed. note: other source says KZ Mauthausen, not Auschwitz.]
Apparently Przedborski was liberated by a Russian general, for whom Przedborski set up some black market trafficking (jeans, Rolex ...) Around 1950 PRZEDBORSKI left Russia, but he always stayed in contact. His Belgian co-prisoners have taken care of things so he could come over to our country. Even at this early stage, PRZEDBORSKI was in contact with:
-CIA (Vienna station, Rome station) (the CIA appears to still be playing a role in this Nebula, in particular in respect of arms smuggle, for which payments were
transferred via GEOFFREY’s Bank).
-Italian MAFIA
5. In 1956, PRZEDBORSKI was arrested in Germany for his involvement in the trafficking of nuclear materials with some Chinese. Chancelor Adenauer apparently intervened personally to keep him out of jail. (The file on this subject was filed at the BKA Bundes Kriminal Amt under the codename SPRINGER). It is rather amazing to find that PRZEDBORSKI continued the nuclear deals even when being a member of the IAEA in Vienna in his capacity of Ambassdor of Costa Rica! Have confirmed that PRZEDBORSKI Félix was indeed listed in the IAEA in Vienna as being Ambassador of Costa Rica.
6.Toward the end of the 70s, beginning of the 80s, PRZEDBORSKI allegedly directed a Belgium-based international arms smuggle, in exchange of which drugs (heroin) were delivered. PRZEDBORSKI was a friend Carlos MONGE (president of Coast Rica-deceded)
who had made him honorary consul of this Central-American nation neighbouring NICARAGUA and PANAMA.
He [Przedborski] initially has set up a heroin smuggle with the help of the Ambassadors of this country, among whom the Ambassador to Luxembourg and Geneva. Same for the Ambassadors in Warsaw and Moscow (apparently arrested with 24 kg of heroin)
-The weapons have been shipped from FN Fabrique Nationale via the airport of Bierset (Liège) being initially aircargoed to NANTES / FRANCE from where they were flown to Costa Rica (to SANTA ELENA, a vast region inside that country).
On the way back, drugs were flown in.
-In this arms trafficking , we were told, following persons were involved:
a. André COOLS, ex-minister, assassinated;
b. Roger BOAS (ESCO company)
c. Abraham SHAVIT- assistant to Roger BOAS-personal friend of Israel minister BEGIN. It is said that André Cools stayed at Shavit’s place whenever he visited Israel.
d. Guy Mathot, ex-minister
e. Paul Vanden Boeynants, ex-premier
f. Fernand Beaurir, general commandant of the gendarmerie.
Apparently Henri SIMONET (at the time has was Foreign Affairs minister and had Alfred CAHEN and Anne-Marie LIZIN working for him) was in the know of this. It is said that some Irangate weapons transited through this network to the Contras in Nicaragua (In this context it appeared that PRZEDBORSKI addressed a US president by his first name).
7. Around 1983, PRZEDBORSKI hired an ex-Mossad colonel to ensure his security
and that of his group.
PRZEDBORSKI had known this colonel, who, still working for Mossad, intervened unofficially to liberate the daughter of the international arms trafficker ‘Raymond NAKACHIAN’ (phonetic spelling). After which the colonel and his team quit the Mossad and started working for Przedborski.
This colonel served as a middleman to set-up shop in Belgium for Ketib-El-Ketib (Lebanese financier) deceased??, to set-up shop for the PLO in Brussels. He also took care of the military training of CONTRAS and CALI Cartel personnel.
8. Around 1985/86, Leon DEFERM (personal friend of Guy Mathot, Edmond Leburton and Michel Daerden etc...) was introduced to PRZEDBORSKI, for whom he started to launder large amounts of money.
(In this context we were told of the involvement of French CGE Compagnie Générale des Eaux and Lyonnaise des Eaux)
It is interesting to note that Przedborski and Deferm shared a mistress by the name of Helena KOHLBRUNER, who was recently arrested in Geneva in possession of (securities / shares / bonds / notes).
-The person who introduced DEFERM was the Brussels lawyer Marc KADANER who was instrumental in the Nebula operations. KADANER allegedly held control over Bernard ANSELME, francophone community minister, who, rumor has it, can often be found drunk at 10 a.m. We were told that another lawyer working for the Nebula was Mr AFSCHRIFT whose services were highly appreciated by the Russians.
9. In 1993 , following the ratification of the GATT, the European Economic Community revised the banana import quota. This revision could have been effective had it not been for the omission of one country from the resolution: Germany, where the transit of bananas remained authorized.
This decision of the CEE was apparently influenced by a conference that Przedborski organized at the occasion of a reception party at his private home in TERVUREN.
Following people attended:
-the president of Colombia,
-the president of Honduras,
-the president of Nicaragua,
-Mr Jacques Delors (president of the EEC commission)
-Mr Frederic Velghe ( director Caisse Privée Bank)
-a certain Le Hoday
All illegal transhipments were routed through the Zeebrugge Northsea terminal, via the Eurocomer company, whose main financier was Caisse Privée Bank.
Info is transmitted to us, we cannot link this with the banana-terminal at Zeebrugge. Rather it is to be stipulated that it was through the terminal of the GHENT port that about $5.000.000 were laundered with the help of Alain De Rouck of Ghent and more specifically through the ELECTRORAIL company. We were told that Jean-Pierre VAN ROSSEM had set-up this laundering structure and that part of the laundered money was transferred to the Cayman Islands via Banque Brussel Lambert.
10. We obtained information on various of PRZEDBORSKI’s money laundering intermediaries.
a. BERCOVITCH (two brothers)
-the first being employed in the diamond business, not involved.
-the second is an art dealer, owner of the BERCO art galleries in ANTWERP, BRUSSELS and KNOKKE.
Their lawyer was Me ROGGEN, daughter of the next character.
b. ROGGEN, Yvan (ex-governor of the Brabant province)
-member of the Grande Loge
-also honorary consul of Costa Rica
-private secretary of PRZEDBORSKI
c. the KRIWIN family (ex bankers)
-of which one daughter Anne is a lawyer at the Brussels bar
d. the SCHEYVEN family (father and son)
-one of the richest families in Belgium;
-(covert?) financiers of the PSC party [Christian Popular Party]
-active member of the CEPIC and financier of the PSC via the AMELINCKX construction company.
[CEPIC was an extreme right wing group centered on PSC minister Paul Vanden Boeynants-linked to Cercle Pinay]
e. Frederic VELGHE (Caisse Privée Bank)
f. Pierre SALIK (a big importer of money for PRZEDBORSKI)
-his daughters were once the fiancées of PRZEDBORSKI’s sons. We do not know why they never married.
-this person obviously is very important within the Nebula, especially in respect of the operations conducted by his son-in-law Michel DWEK (Belgian aged ca. 35)
-works together with Ronald BRUCKNER (see below)
-works together with his nephew Serge BORENSTEIN, who takes care of money transfers via PRAGUE.
g. Serge BORENSTEIN (ca. 45 years of age-nephew of Pierre SALIK)
-residing in Prague, formerly the capital of Czechoslovakia. Initially this was the main route for Przedborski to launder the proceeds of his criminal activity.
-as to this figure, we got info from the Chinese criminal milieu: he served as a middleman for the acquisition of a real estate complex including the restaurants CITY OF THE DRAGON in Brussels (17 mll $) and Liège ( 12 mll $)-(see YANG file)
h. A MIAMI company (Florida/USA): NEW REPUBLIC
This company had an account at the CGER [ASLK, Algemene Spaar-en Lijfrente Kas]
Managed exclusively by PRZEDBORSKI Felix (mentioned supra) and Farouk KHAN (of the KHAN-gang). This account was liquidated in 1990 (when the new law on money laundering took effect) and the funds -2 bn $- were transferred to IRAQ.
i. Another company was mentioned that apparently was one of the most important ones and that was recently acquired by the Russians: COMUELE S.A.
This company, acquired in the early 80s, held ‘stock value’ of about 1.3 M$.
Since then a total of 200 M $ has been transferred in particular by Serge BORENSTEIN in Prague.
The company holds offices in ZAIRE, NETHERLANDS, LUXEMOURG.
In this company the following persons hold a position (cross checked with VAT number 403.340.648-Commerce Register nr Brussels 15.175-Capital 681.441.715 Belgian Francs= ca. 22 M $)
According to our informant:
(According to National Registers born in Czechoslovakia on 20 October 1947, of American nationality, divorced from Susana KASZIRER in 1989-see below-stricken from the ANTWERP population registers on 16 December 1994)
Real estate agent in Brussels
-works for a certain ‘GLOBUS GROUP’ (??? Nationality unknown)
-he mediated the entry of the Russians into COMUELE co
-he was introduced to the Russians by Maurice TEMPELSMAN, widower friend of Jacqueline Kennedy, herself widow of the American president)
-he allegedly met the Russians on the occasion of (his or her) birthday party in Brussels in 1994. One of these Russians was Mike BRANDWAIN (director of the M&S International company of Antwerp, being mentioned in the BLACKSTONE file as well as in a file on the Russian Mafia in New York-US Customs, July 1994)
Another Russian was called ADIC from Antwerp.
-At this dinner, some serious threats were exchanged. The Russians had invested 100 M $ in the COMUELE SA, it was said that the source of the money was Israel.
The reason was (according to our info) that the company capital was increased in 1990 but the Americans refused to participate. It was on this occasion that the Russians were invited in and consequently were swindled out of the 100 M $ they had hoped to launder or to invest.
According to HELP , the cy capital was increased from 9 M $ to 22 M $ in 1992. The previous increase in cy capital was in 1989, lifting it to 3 M $ only.
X-Michel WOLF
-Belgian living in the Liège region
-manager of a.o. the Michel Wolf & Brothers cy
-parking, parking meters etc..
X-Arthur FOGEL
-presently president of the SOGEPA company (Chaussée de Vleurgat n. 243 in 1050 Brussels)
-it has been reported that Bruno GOLDBERGER and Arthur FOGEL were looking for new company associates for COMUELE, candidates being the WOLF brothers and a certain BAUMANN
-on BAUMANN we can testify that he actually lives in PULLY near LAUSANNE in Switzerland, Chemin Chamblande 19, employé of UNIMEDICA cy of Froideville (near Lausanne).
-owns a residence on the beachfront at Saint Jean Cap Ferrat (S France)
-his working permit is actually under scrutiny from the Swiss authorities
-has studied Law and Finances in Antwerp and in the USA
-works for fiduciary companies in France & Switzerland
-appears to have become enormously wealthy, setting up money laundering systems, takes care personally of money transfers for the Russians.
-Brussels broker
-adress Avenue Fr Roosevelt 94, Brussels
-works for ‘Groupe ‘DEFI’
-has business relations with Max TERET of FNAC and CANAL + (it was apparently through this French television company and through LYONNAISE DES EAUX that large amounts of money have been laundered on behalf of PRZEDBORSKI and/or others among which CREDIT LYONNAIS)
-his name was dropped as a candidate successor to PRZEDBORSKI.
X-Pierre SALIK
-involved personally or via companies whose names start with JA or JU.
X-the Russians
-recently took up some positions in the cy; there is a certain ADIC of Antwerp.
-we’re talking about Russian mafiosi here
-among who the famous Mike Brandwain
-is not officially on the cy records
-he represented the Israeli partners (who provided the 100 M $ ???)
-no further info available on this person
j. A particular laundering network within the PRZEDBORSKI group has been brought to our attention: the DIAMOND network of Antwerp.
The basis of PRZEDBORSKI’s wealth appears to have been the diamond trade and smuggle. As early as the 50s, when he arrived in Belgium, PRZEDBORSKI reportedly already enjoyed the friendship of the King of KASAI [rich province of the Belgian Congo] (To this end a structure has been set-up via Antwerp by the aforementioned Maurice TEMPELSMAN, a certain GOLDFINGER and a certain Leo SIMON). This network (see item J.) seems to exist independently and is only used on occasion by PRZEDBORSKI.
Involved in it are the following persons:
X-Sylvain LINKER
-Belgian, notary public at JUMET
-this person is the founder of the front companies used for money laundering
-had some trouble with justice after having orchestrated the theft of his own paintings
-diamond trader of Antwerp
X-Michel KÖNIG
-diamond trader of Antwerp
X-The TACHE brothers
-diamond traders of Antwerp
X-the GOLDBERG brothers
-diamond traders of Antwerp
-the wife of one of the brothers is a judge in Antwerp
X-the ex-director of Sociéte Nationale d’Aviation Française (UTA)
X-the ex-director of IAL, Israel Air Lines, Ben ARI (father), also on the board of directors of the Liège-Bierset Airport.
X-Charles BORNET, a Brussels lawyer
x-Xavier MAGNEE
-Brussels lawyer, ex- president of the bar
X-the JACKIAN family (father & son)
-both lawyers, the father being an ex-president of the bar
k. we have been informed of the names of the banks involved in the PRZEDBORSKI group for money laundering:
-COLBERT Bank (named after the ex-minister of France)
-DISCOUNT Bank with offices in Luxemburg and Geneva
-NATIONAL REPUBLIC BANK with offices in Luxembourg and New York. It seems that a certain SAFRA is in charge of the special transfers.
We have noticed that this bank is also being used by:
a.Paul Vanden Boeynants, ex-minister, ex-prime minister
b.Roger BOAS, from the ASCO company
c.Abraham SHAVIT
11. It is reported that within his Group, PRZEDBORSKI is assisted by the following persons
a. Bruno GOLDBERGER (see above)
-ex-husband of Suzanna KASZYRER, daughter of Joseph. We have been informed that in the early 80s Bruno GOLDBERGER has set-up a financial structure that later proved to be used a diamonds laundering operation by his father-in-law. When GOLDBERGER discovered this, he quit. Apparently there must have been a court case involving diamond traders and the ABN-AMRO Bank.
In the course of the proceeding someone must have spilled the beans. This person then ‘jumped’ to his death from the 47th floor a NY building. It is said that the killing was ordered by Joseph KASZYRER.
b. Pierre SALIK
-involved in the COMUELE Co directly or through front companies whose names start with JA or JU.
-is in contact with the Australian billionaire Allan BOND.
(Allan BOND: Australian aged ca. 50, acknowledged billionaire in Australia.
Owner of millions of hectares of property on which drugs culturescare grown.
Associate of Albert FRERE (who helped BOND penetrate the Belgian market;
Owns 4.8% of Groupe Bruxelles Lambert-since he holds >5%, no declaration is required under Belgian law. Has initiated very important company take-overs in the USA.)
c. Ronald BRUCKNER (Belgian ca. 35 years of age)
-works in Germany for the East-European countries, a.o. Russia
-works in direct liaison with Michel DWEK (son-in-law of Pierre SALIK)
d. CALUWE-PUTSEYS ass. lawyers
-a member of the CALUWE family is member of the Loge du Grand Orient.
-this cabinet took charge of the defense of Pierre SALIK and Roland BRUCKNER
Who got ensnared in some smuggling operation with the eastern countries. It is said that they induced a procedural error by having some documents stolen, thus claiming that the defense attorneys had been unable to study the evidence. The theft was arranged when the files were transferred. The investigating judge was Guido BELLEMANS.
e. VANDERELST, Brussels lawyers (father & son)
1.Raymond (father):
-PRZEDBORSKI’s attorney,
-Attorney for the Loge du Grand Orient of Belgium of which he is a member.
-Personal advisor to King Albert II
-Works or has worked for the cabinet of Pierre LAMBERT
2. Michel (son)
-was arrested in the case of the kidnapping of ex-premier Paul Vanden Boeynants, with the HAEMERS-gang
f. Koen BLIJWEERT (Belgian)
-very active in the money laundering business
-son of Renaat BLIJWEERT, directorof the now bankrupt AMELINCKX construction cy.
g. Jacques MAISON
-Brussels political figure (involved in city finances)
-involved in the affair of the (securities / stocks / bonds / funds/ notes)
-is the point-of-contact for a Luxembourg-based ‘ godfather’
-actually engaged in organizing funds to the tune of 100-130 M $ for the ‘Eastern Countries’
h. Lionel PERL
-ca 45 years of age
-has been awarded a honorary title ‘Grande Distinction’ by SOLVAY Cy
-works from Antwerp, laundering Russian capital
-worked for several banks, was kicked out of Bank de GROOF after it was discovered that he had installed a laundering mechanism in the bank.
i. Cardinal BELLINI
-lives in Brussels, Avenue Bellevue 55 or 57
-Vatican representative for real estate matters outside of Italy
Please note that pope Paul II, who is a friend of PRZEDBORSKI’s, after his OPUS DEI sponsored ascent to the pontificate, has appointed cardinal Rossi as the manager of
Vatican real estate in Italie. The right hand of ROSSI was none other than cardinal Marcinkus who himself got entangled in the securities (bonds, stock..) affair linked to the Banco Ambrosiano debacle.
j. Patrick FOCQUET (Belgian)
-ex employee of TUBEMEUSE cy
-held a position in the SOCOFIN cy and Bank NAEGELMAECKERS
k. David PINSENT (American)
-manager of the peanut company PLANTATION TRUST
12. PRZEDBORSKI , Grand Master of the Jewish Loge, very influential in the political world either by friendship or corruption.
His business relations were:
a. André COOLS
-Belgian ex-minister, assassinated;
-PRZEDBORSKI had a special relationship with Cools, given the old friendship with Cools senior.
-they frequently met and got into man-to-man talks in ANTIBES / FRANCE
b. Willy DECLERK
-Belgian ex-minister
-actually member of EEC
-it is said that he is at the orders of PRZEDBORSKI
c. Willy CLAES
-Belgian ex-minister of Foreign Affaird (last position held)
-actually Secretary General of NATO in Brussels
d. Alfred CAHEN
-Belgian Ambassador to FRANCE
-his spouse is Mme Nicole de BEAUVAY, formerly first honorary assistant to Queen Fabiola. She left the royal court when her husband took up his diplomatic position in Paris.
-Master of the Loge
-friend of late King Baudouin
-friend of Willy CLAES
-ex secretary general of Foreign Affairs ministry (headed by Mr SIMONET) where he issued a diplomatic passport to PRZEDBORSKI in 1986.
-at that moment in time, Anne-Marie LIZIN worked with SIMONET as well. LIZIN, given her intimate relationship with SIMONET, had the opportunity to collect evidence about the aforementioned arms deals, which could have resulted in her ‘immunity’. She was also the mistress of André COOLS.
e. François MITTERAND
-president of FRANCE
-French ex-minister
-committed suicide last year
g. Jacques DELORS
-president of the ECC commission
-French ex-minister of finances
-possible candidate for the French presidential elections
-worked for Banque de France [France National Bank]
h. ?? MERLY
-mayor of the city of ANTIBES/ FRANCE
We have been told that nearly all of Cap d’Antibes is the personally owned by PRZEDBORSKI who lives in a stunning property in the street ‘Impasse Félix’, named after him.
Following persons have been reported there:
-André COOLS
-Didier PINEAU VALENCIENNES of the SCHNEIDER GROUP, involved in money laundering affair.
13. Presently PRZEDBORSKI group is working on a large scale tourist real estate project (1800 square KM) in Costa Rica (SANTA ELENA), a 2 Bn $ investment.
Involved in this project:
-the chain CONRAD and Romi BARON (formerly of the MONITOR Cy and CENTRE ROGIER in Brussels)
-‘GAONE’ from Geneva
14.Felix PRZEDBORSKI is reported to be ill, so an internal succession struggle is developing.
a. Daniel PRZEDBORSKI (his son, lawyer in Brussels)
b. Daniel WEECKERS (broker, involved in COMUELE S.A.)
c. Two or three Frenchmen:
Among who Max TERET, friend of Felix PRZEDBORSKI, director of CANAL + (through which money was laundered in cooperation with Lyonnaise des Eaux)
15. We were able to piece together following chronology:
1984: association of A. FOGEL and B. GOLDBERGER on the one hand, and Joseph KASZIRER on the other. They set-up a structure for real estate investment, founding a company for each acquisition, functioning as a recycling machine for cash derived from ‘black’ dealings in diamonds in Antwerp and NY.
The general set-up being taken care of by Charles DILLEY (Brussels lawyer) via a Luxemburg holding cy , funds being transferred via ABN-AMRO Bank and NATIONAL REPUBLIC BANK of NY.
1987: splitting of association, but FOGEL and GOLDBERGER stick together.
Two events then follow:
1-they meet BAUM and STEINMETZ.
2-they get in touch with D. WEECKERS and through him with
PRZEDBORSKI Felix (his daughters being engaged to the SALIK sons)
SALIK, Pierre (associate of GOLDBERGER in SOGEPA Cy and others)
BORENSTEIN, Serge (nephew of SALIK)
1988/89. Big merger with COMUELE of which they grab control through Daniel WEECKERS.
1990. Felix PRZEDBORSKI has liquidated his account (the NEW REPUBLIC account) at
CGER (ASLK) so 2 Bn $ are transferred and Serge BORENSTEIN gets the washing machine started in PRAGUE.
The COMUELE Cy is getting into financial trouble, needs capital urgently.
The Americans refuse to participate to increase capital.
GOLDBERGER enters the Russians via Maurice TEMPELSMAN, they accept to invest 100 Mn $. It is stipulated that the capital originates from Israel. FOGEL and GOLDBERGER are aware of that.
The Americans exit the company.
By the end of 1994, COMUELE is unable to pay interests due.
October 1994: the Russians get real angry and threaten several people, they invite GOLDBERGER to UKRAINE for some explanations.
16. The reasons for our transmitting this report before having cross-checked are multiple.
(not relevant)
17. Let’s not forget that this Nebula controls most of the money transfers worldwide and also controls the highest political authorities.
This Nebula could, if so desired, put pressure on most of the important cities worldwide and get control over the almost everything (energy supply, water supply, environment), through corruption. This has been going on for several years.
Let’s not forget that this same Nebula provides the security forces, police and military to several countries, including their equipment (weapons, communications etc..).
Listed as being part of this structure:
GEC General Electric Cy (weapons, water supply, etc..
ALCATEL: communications
HODY, Jean-Marie DECK, Didier
GRAFF, Commandant
Officer Resp BSR.
The assassinations, suicides, and defenestrations associated with Nebula appear linked to another high-profile murder of a West German politician, Uwe Barschel, which was previously reported by WMR on August 26, 2009:
"The neocons, in their normal group think fashion, are now teaming up to launch all-out attacks on Scotland for releasing from prison convicted PanAm 103 bomber Abdelbeset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi. Some neocons are urging a boycott of Scottish products and tourism. Of course, the demonization of Scotland comes as Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu visits Prime Minister Gordon Brown in London and follows Israeli attacks on Sweden's government over an Aftonbladet report on Israelis trafficking in Palestinian body parts removed from the bodies young Palestinians killed by Israeli troops, Ireland's former President and UN Human Rights Commissioner Mary Robinson for receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama, and Norway over a boycott of Israeli products by a Norwegian regional government. The blaming of Libya for the take down of PanAm 103 was concocted by the CIA and Mossad, working in tandem, to cover up their activities related to weapons smuggling with Iran in the 1980s. Had Iran been officially blamed for the December 1988 attack on PanAm 103, retaliation for the USS Vincennes attack on an Iran Air Airbus-300 in July 1988, the lucrative joint CIA-Mossad weapons smuggling program to and from Iran during the Iran-Iraq war would have become an embarrassment. Therefore, a cover story was created to blame Libya for the bombing and two Libyan agents, Megrahi, who was later convicted, and Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah, who was acquitted based on the same flimsy and dubious evidence used to convict Megrahi, were named as the perpetrators.
The Iranian connection was never revealed by the CIA, which was under orders to cook the intelligence to pin the blame for Lockerbie on Libya.
A declassified Air Intelligence Agency, formerly SECRET NOFORN WNINTEL, dated March 4, 1991, states that Iranian Interior Minister Ayatollah Ali Akbar Mohtashemi ordered the attack on PanAm 103 in retaliation for the Iran Airbus downing by the U.S. Navy. The relevant paragraph in the redacted report states: 'Mohtashemi is closely connected with the Al Abas and Abu Nidal terrorist groups. He is actually a long-time friend of Abu Nidal. He has recently paid 10 million dollars in cash and gold to these two organizations to carry out terrorist activities and was the one who paid the same amount to bomb Pan Am flight 103 in retaliation for the U.S. shootdown of the Iranian Airbus. Mohtashemi has also spent time in Lebanon.'
Two veteran ABC News correspondents, one in Paris and the other in Nicosia, later told this editor that the wire transfer of $10 million from Iran via a Greek bank to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley for the construction of the Pan Am 103 bomb was intercepted by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) Ayios Nikolaos listening station in Cyprus. Both correspondents said the blaming of Libya for the Lockerbie bombing was fantasy from the beginning. It was later revealed that Nidal, who later was given asylum by Saddam Hussein in Baghdad and died there under suspicious circumstances in 2002, had alternately worked for the CIA, Mossad, and Egyptian and Kuwaiti intelligence.
The CIA and Mossad went to extreme lengths to keep their secret arms smuggling network to Iran from exposure. This was during the time of the Iran-contra scandal and the transition from Ronald Reagan to George H. W. Bush. Bush was deeply enmeshed in the Iran-contra scandal and its links to the smuggling of weapons to Ayatollah Khomeini's government in Iran.
In 1987, the up-and-coming Christian Democratic Union Premier of the German state of Schleswig-Holstein, Uwe Barschel, began objecting to the use of Hartenholm airport in his state for the smuggling of weapons to and from Iran. The Iranian-run airport was also used to smuggle nuclear materials and drugs. Barschel was lured to the Hotel Beau-Rivage in Geneva by what WMR was told were CIA and Mossad agents operating under diplomatic cover with the assistance of the Federal German Bundesnacrichtendienst(BND) intelligence service. On October 11, 1987, Barschel was discovered dead and fully-clothed in his hotel room's water-filled bathtub. The drug Lorazepam was found in his blood stream. The autopsy of Barschel indicated force was used against him before his death.
Years ago, the editor was provided with copies of TOP SECRET CIA cables intercepted by East German intelligence in 1987. The cables are between the military attache at the US. Embassy in Bern and the Joint Chiefs' Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center (ITAC) at the Pentagon, with copies to the CIA's Deputy Director of Operations and the Director of the NSA, that suggest that the decision was made to assassinate Barschel, code named "Perch," after two agents, a CIA agent code named "Lokal" and a Mossad agent code-named "Rabbi" met with Barschel in Geneva, code named "Laketown," only to discover the Schleswig-Holstein Premier was "unyielding" to their demands about permitting his state to be used for Iranian arms and drug smuggling. The German word for the fish "perch" is "Barsch."
The second intercepted CIA cable states: "Jerry took Perch to Temple met with Lokal and Rabbi at 2130 Perch unyielding refuses coop Rabbi ordered disposition alternative w asap advise no act." In can be assumed that the CIA was being informed that Mossad was recommending that Barschel be eliminated and the CIA was informing Langley that no action was required on the part of the CIA.
Two days after Barschel's meeting with the CIA and Mossad agents, his body was discovered in the bathtub in Room 317 at the Beau-Rivage.
A little over a year later, Pan Am 103, would be blown up over the skies of Scotland. To protect the Iranian-CIA-Mossad smuggling link, Libya would be framed for the attack. And in an added bonus, a group of CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) personnel who may have been aware of the CIA's connections to the Iran-contra and Israeli weapons smuggling operations with Iran happened to be on board the ill-fated Boeing 747: Matthew Gannon, the CIA's deputy station chief in Beirut; Major Chuck McKee, assigned to the DIA station in Beirut; Ronald Lariviere, a security officer at the U.S. embassy in Beirut; and Daniel O'Connor, a security officer at the U.S. embassy in Nicosia. Assistant Deputy Director Michael S. Bernstein, a special agent for the Office of Special Investigation at the Department of Justice.
Scottish Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill, who is under tremendous political fire for releasing Megrahi to Libya while he lives his last days with prostate cancer, may still have the last triumph. Megrahi is vowing to present new evidence establishing his innocence. Barack Obama, who shows more and more by his actions that he still answers to his old employer, the CIA -- while he worked for the CIA front Business International Corporation and perhaps before and after -- wants Megrahi kept under house arrest in Libya.
There is little wonder why the Israel Lobby and Obama and FBI director Robert Mueller are so incensed over MacAskill's actions. Mueller was assistant to Attorney General Richard Thornburgh in 1989 and prosecuted both Megrahi and Fhimah, as well as long-time CIA operative Manuel Noriega of Panama. Obama and Mueller are clearly trying to cover the tracks of their respective agencies as Megrahi prepares to tell all."
On November 2, 2010, WMR reported on the strong Israeli and Mossad influence over the government of Costa Rica: "On October 28, Nicaragua accused Costa Rica of staging cross border raids by Costa Rican paramilitary police into Nicaraguan territory. Costa Rica has been warning Nicaragua against dredging the San Juan River inside Nicaraguan territory. Costa Rica, which fancies itself as an ecological 'green haven,' claims the dredging of the river is causing environmental damage. But as WMR previously reported, Costa Rica, which is backed by George Soros 'civil society' agents of influence, as well as Israeli intelligence agents, is trying to paint Nicaragua as an aggressive destroyer of the environment.
On November 1, Costa Rica claimed that Nicaraguan troops had taken up position on Calero island in the San Juan River and which is claimed by both countries. Nicaragua claims that its troops are in the area to control drug trafficking from Costa Rica, which WMR previously reported involved Costa Rican police and inteligence personnel. In a statement published by The Washington Post, Nicaraguan Army chief of staff General Julio Aviles confirmed WMR's previous report stating the drug trafficking from Costa Rica is controlled by an ex-patriate Nicaraguan family operating from San Jose, the Costa Rican capital.
WMR has also learned that the paramilitary operatives operating out of Costa Rica, including CIA and Mossad agents, are now looking at extending their destabilization operations into El Salvador, now governed by the leftist Farabundo Marti Liberation Front government of President Mauricio Funes, an ally of Ortega in Nicaragua. The tactic being used by the Chinchilla-Lieberman regime in San Jose is the same as that being used against Nicaragua: flood El Salvador with cocaine to increase drug gang warfare and instability.
Most of the drug smuggling from Costa Rica into Nicaragua and El Salvador is being conducted by Russian-Israeli mafiosi figures operating under diplomatic cover at the Israeli embassy in San Jose. Others officially operate in San Jose as 'Russian Martial Arts' trainers, however, they are actually Israeli Defense Force 'Krav Maga' trainers.
One of the Mossad suspects, now wanted by INTERPOL, in the assassination of a Palestinian official in Dubai was susoected of making death threats and engaging an an attempted kidnapping in Costa Rica but the Costa Rican government declined prosecution. The Israeli suspect's false identity in the Dubai assassination is Kevin Daveron, born 2/2/1972, Ireland Passport 980975, alias Jonathan Lewis Graham (stolen identity from a United Kingdom passport.
Ex-Israeli commandos operating in Costa Rica with the blessing of Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman (not known to be a relation to Costa Rica's pro-Zionist Vice President Luis Lieberman Ginsburg; Avigdor hails from Moldova while Luis is of Polish descent) operate under the cover of the Mossad-linked security firm Bitajon Shar, which has been connected, according to WMR's Central American sources, to the destabilization efforts on the Costa Rican borders with Nicaragua and El Salvador."
In updated information provided to WMR from Costa Rican sources, the Costa Rican charged with the assassination of popular Argentine folk singer Facundo Cabral in Guatemala in July is tied to the Mossad-linked criminal druig smuggling network operating throughout Central America and Mexico. Alejandro Jiménez Gonzalez, charged in the killing of Cabral, is the Costa Rican leader of a Central American money laundering syndicate. The actual target of the assassination may have been Cabral's driver, Nicaraguan Elite nigh clubs owner Henry Farinas, who reportedly received protection from the Nicaraguan government of Daniel Ortega, a prime target of the Israeli syndicates in Costa Rica. In addition to Guatemala, Farinas owns night clubs in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama and he has, in the past, been linked to the CIA. However, because of his links to Ortega, Farinas may have had a falling out with Langley, which used friendly Mossad operatives to target him in Guatemala, but ended up killing Cabral instead.
WMR has reported extensively on the activities of the Russian-Israeli Mafia but, thanks to the ATLAS Report from the Belgian police, the Mafia now has a proper name: Nebula....