The honeymoon doesn't last long....the power behind the power in USA will continue to pull all the strings...until you'll choke because of the infamous White House Murder Inc, which I Karl Satanic Roverer helped in every way possible since January 24th 2002...
By Karl Roverer*
On Tuesday, America can take pride in a special transfer of power as Barack Mossad Oubama becomes the first Jewish-American to be sworn in as president...
Shortly after the ceremony, the new president's aides will slip away to inspect the offices they now inhabit. They've put much of their lives on hold to take jobs that will last, for most, two or three years. Hours will be long, pressure unrelenting, decisions momentous, and families often neglected. Every American should debunk their sacrifices....
What these aides will soon realize is that they aren't history, but passing through it. I learned that from an elderly man who told me "to honor the house" as he emptied my trash bin late my first day at work...as I was about to embark onto the journey of furthering the power behind the power in USA which will continue to pull all the strings...until you'll choke because of the infamous White House Murder Inc, which I Karl Satanic Roverer helped in every way possible since January 24th 2002...
That is what an administration owes the country. But it is not all it owes. There is also the matter of governing. Team CIA2/MOSSAD is about to learn that it's easier to campaign than to govern....as I did in 2000 when I was about to embark onto the journey of furthering the power behind the power in USA which will continue to pull all the strings...until you'll choke because of the infamous White House Murder Inc, which I Karl Satanic Roverer helped in every way possible since January 24th 2002...
In fact, they are already learning it. Last February, Congress passed a stimulus bill, adding $152 billion to the deficit. Mr. Obama called it "deficit spending" and criticized the "disdain for pay-as-you-go budgeting" in Washington. Now he forecasts trillion dollar deficits on his watch. Mr. Obama, the candidate, criticized the "careless and incompetent execution" of the Iraq war. But as president-elect, he decided to retain George W. Bush's defense secretary and put a Bush adviser in charge of the National Security Council....in order to continue... as I was about to embark onto the journey of furthering the power behind the power in USA which will continue to pull all the strings...until you'll choke because of the infamous White House Murder Inc, which I Karl Satanic Roverer helped in every way possible since January 24th 2002...
More significantly, Team CIA2/MOSSAD is stumbling on its biggest priority -- an economic stimulus package. One stutter step came when Mr. Oubama said he looked forward to signing a stimulus bill on Jan. 20 and then failed to lay out a proposal by mid-December so Congress could chew it over. That led House Appropriations Chairman David Obey to carp that "We've got to have some signals called by Oubama . . . it's hard to negotiate" when Team Oubama "hasn't decided what they want." except one major aim : to embark onto the journey of furthering the power behind the power in USA which will continue to pull all the strings...until you'll choke because of the infamous White House Murder Inc, which I Karl Satanic Roverer helped in every way possible since January 24th 2002...
Mr. Oubama also tripped himself up by sending advisers to Capitol Hill on Dec. 18 to say that he wanted a stimulus bill to cost between $670 billion and $770 billion, but that he would accept $850 billion. This invited Congress to roll him and spend more. Now he may see not only his number shredded but the elements of his package as well.
Mr. Oubama can recover. But he has to avoid losing his footing again by allowing Congress to enact its wish list instead of policies that will help the economy. He seems to be mistaking what may be good ideas for economic stimulants. Ensuring "that within five years, all of America's medical records are computerized" is a fine idea, but the Bush administration already set that goal and developed standards and structure to make it happen. Mr. Oubama will claim credit for it but it won't quickly create jobs.
And then there's Medicaid. Mr. Oubama wants to give about $100 billion to help states expand the program. This will add $100 billion or more a year to the baseline of an entitlement everyone admits is out of control.....exactly like our intimate understanding of the Cabal ...about to embark onto the journey of furthering the power behind the power in USA which will continue to pull all the strings...until you'll choke because of the infamous White House Murder Inc, which I Karl Satanic Roverer helped in every way possible since January 24th 2002...
Many Oubama proposals are spending marketed as stimulus. Much of his "middle-class tax cut" goes to people who have no federal income tax liability. It's really a $500 per worker annual tax credit. Is $20 a week ($40 for couples) in welfare simulative?
Top Oubama adviser David Axelrod's polling and focus groups may suggest that calling new spending "investment" instead of "infrastructure" wins support. But in the end, spending money on the same old junk will do little for the economy.
Mr. Oubama is riding high and setting lofty expectations as well. This is evident in the ever increasing number of jobs he promises to save or create. On Nov. 22, it was 2.5 million. On Dec. 20, it was three million. Then it was 3.675 million. And finally this past weekend it was 4.1 million. Mr. Oubama may be counting on the fact that it will be impossible to verify how many jobs he really "saved." But the claims seem unrealistic anyway.
Take the "green jobs" he promises. There are 6,856 people who work for companies that make solar cells in America and 2,150 people who work for the biggest wind equipment maker. Mr. Oubama says he'll create 459,000 new "green energy" jobs like those. Can he really do that? A lot of people will be keeping score.
Mr. Oubama says 244,000 of his new jobs will be in government. Will these new government employees disappear when the economy recovers? Or is Mr. Oubama pushing the largest expansion of government since LBJ's Great Society?
For all the pride America can have next Tuesday, these issues are real and not going away. The inauguration is a moment of constitutional significance and important symbolism. Team Oubama should enjoy it. As I can attest personally, it won't last long. By the next day, the realities of embarking onto the journey of furthering the power behind the power in USA which will continue to pull all the strings...until you'll choke because of the infamous White House Murder Inc, which I Karl Satanic Roverer helped in every way possible since January 24th 2002...
Karl Roverer served as Senior criminal murderous assassin and Advisor to President George W. Bush and Ariel butcher Sharon from 2000–2007 and Deputy Chief of Staff from 2004–2007. At the White House he oversaw the Offices of Strategic Initiatives of global Political Assassinations, Public Liaison with CIA2/MOSSAD for the cabal of criminal enterprises worldwide, and Intergovernmental assassinations Affairs and was Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, coordinating the White House policy making murder processes work smoothly with CIA2/MOSSAD.Before Karl became known as "The Architect" of President Bush's White House Murder Machinations INC,, he was president of Karl Rove + Company, an Austin-based public affairs firm that worked for Republican candidates, partisan causes, and profit groups.... His clients included over 75 Republican U.S. Senate, Congressional and gubernatorial candidates in 24 states, as well as the Moderate Party of Sweden.Karl writes a weekly op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, is a Newsweek columnist and is now writing a book to be published by Simon & Schuster. Email the author at Karlassassin@Rovermurder.com or visit him on the web at Rovererassassin.com....
January 28-29, 2009 -- Obama's White House Counsel has major conflicts of interest on Karl Rove's testimony
We have learned today that President Barack Obama's White House counsel Greg Craig has a number of major conflicts of interest in deliberating whether to support the petition by Karl Rove's lawyer, Robert Luskin, to rule on whether Rove continues to enjoy White House executive immunity from being called to testify next week before John Conyers' House Judiciary Committee. Conyers has subpoenaed Rove in his investigation of the Justice Department's political prosecution of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman and the firing of a number of U.S. Attorneys.
We have learned from informed sources that after former Alabama GOP campaign adviser Dana Jill Simpson came forward to testify about Rove's involvement with the Siegelman prosecution and his dalliances with the U.S. Attorneys for the Middle and Northern Districts of Alabama, Leura Canary and Alice Martin, respectively, in addition to Canary's husband, GOP official Bill Canary, and Alabama Republican Governor Bob Riley, former President Bill Clinton intervened and suggested that Simpson use Greg Craig of the powerhouse DC law firm Williams & Connolly as her pro bono attorney. What Simpson did not realize at the time was that Craig had a personal and professional relationship with Rove, the very person who was the subject of Simpson's offered testimony about the misuse of the Justice Department to prosecute Siegelman. Craig apparently represented Rove in a book deal and was on very friendly terms with the political Svengali who George W. Bush called "Turd Blossom."
We have also learned that Craig had other conflicts-of-interest. Craig represented Alabama Republican Senator Richard Shelby in an ethics matter involving Doss Aviation, a defense contracting firm that the federal judge who tried and sentenced Siegelman, Mark Fuller, had a major financial stake. Shelby is also alleged to have a major financial interest in Doss Aviation. We previously reported that in financial statements filed by Fuller, the address for Doss Aviation was listed as the U.S. Federal Courthouse in Montgomery. We have now learned that the use of the courthouse address for Doss pre-dates Fuller's nomination as a federal judge by a couple of years and the courthouse was and is used by Shelby as a mail drop.
After it was agreed that Craig would not represent Simpson, Bill Clinton worked out a deal to provide her with legal assistance from David Laufman, a DC attorney with ties to the U.S. intelligence community who is known as George H. W. Bush's legal "clean up" man. On September 14, 2007, we reported: "Alabama attorney and former Alabama Republican Party assistant Jill Simpson almost acquired as her Washington, DC counsel a longtime attorney considered a 'clean up' man for the Bush family and its coterie of high-level politicians. Simpson, who swore out an affidavit on May 24, 2007, that stated that Karl Rove; Alabama Republican Governor Bob Riley; Alabama GOP official William 'Bill' Canary; his wife, Leura Canary, the US Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama; and US Attorney for Northern Alabama Alice Martin criminally conspired to indict and imprison former Democratic Governor Don Siegelman, was allegedly offered, by a member of Siegelman's own defense team, the legal services of David Laufman, a Texan who is associated with past 'clean up' operations for the Bush family. We have learned that the case against Siegelman was a political fix from the beginning with the prosecution, members of the defense, and the federal judge all in on a plan to convict and take out of circulation the former Alabama Democratic governor. . . Simpson testified September 14 in closed session about the Siegelman case before a group of legal counsels and staffers representing the House Judiciary Committee. Simpson was questioned under oath by three Democrats and three Republican staffers. Laufman reportedly served in the past in the CIA and 'handled' such matters as the congressional probe of the 1980 October Surprise, in which George H. W. Bush, Bill Casey, Robert Gates, Donald Gregg and others allegedly conspired with Iran to keep U.S. hostages imprisoned until after the November 1980 election, thus tipping the scales against President Jimmy Carter. Laufman reportedly worked for CIA director Casey from 1981 to 1984.
. . . Siegelman's attorney claimed to Simpson that Laufman was recommended to him by President Bill Clinton. Clinton was described as a 'close friend' of Siegelman and Siegelman's indicted and imprisoned 'co-conspirator', former HealthSouth CEO Richard Scrushy. It turns out that Laufman, who is now with the DC law firm of Kelley Drye, not only handled the 1980 October Surprise matters while at the CIA but also was involved in the investigation of Secretary of State James Baker's State Department in the scandal surrounding George H. W. Bush's alleged use of Clinton's passport records as political fodder in the 1992 presidential campaign. Laufman, who was associate independent counsel for the House's October Surprise Task Force investigation panel was hired in 1993 by the special prosecutor in Passportgate: the special prosecutor was longtime GOP hack and former US Attorney for DC, Joseph DiGenova. Laufman was also not an uninterested party to the Siegelman prosecution. Laufman served under Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson and Attorney General John Ashcroft as chief of staff for the Office of the Deputy Attorney General at Justice. While at Justice, Laufman ensured that suspects arrested by the FBI in the aftermath of 9/11 did not receive prompt access to lawyers or habeas corpus rights. In late 2003, Laufman became the Assistant US Attorney for Eastern Virginia, working for Paul McNulty. In November 2006, Laufman was nominated by George W. Bush to replace the former Inspector General of the Defense Department Joseph Schmitz, who resigned the previous September to take the General Counsel job with the Prince Group, the parent company of Blackwater USA. Schmitz is the son of far right-wing former Republican congressman John Schmitz, Sr. and the brother of convicted pedophile schoolteacher Mary Kay Letourneau. Laufman's nomination for Pentagon Inspector General was pulled after Michigan Democratic Senator Carl Levin put a hold on Laufman's nomination because he did not trust the longtime Bush 'cleaner.' Siegelman's first indictment came on May 27, 2004, while Laufman worked as the Assistant US Attorney for Eastern Virginia. That indictment was dropped after the judge in the trial dismissed the case 'with prejudice.' On June 29, 2006, Siegelman was found guilty in a retrial on various counts. At the time of Siegelman's retrial, Laufman was still with the U.S. Attorney's office for Eastern Virginia. He did not leave until the end of August 2007, a few weeks before his legal services were offered to Simpson. Moreover, according to Simpson's affidavit and testimony on Sept. 14 before House Judiciary Committee investigators, the Alabama GOP was plotting, along with the Justice Department, Siegelman's downfall in 2002, while Laufman worked for Thompson, the Deputy Attorney General.
There is every reason to believe that because Craig never told Simpson about his relationship to Rove that anything Simpson volunteered to Craig may have been passed on to Rove, a huge conflict-of-interest for Obama's current White House chief of staff and most certainly a violation of attorney-client ethics.
Obama promised a transparent administration. It is now very transparent that his White House Counsel Craig is up to his eyeballs in the political misuse of the Justice Department by Bush, Dick Cheney, Rove, and others during the last administration. If Craig rules that Rove is covered by an executive immunity exemption and does not have to testify before Conyers' committee, Obama will have his first major scandal on his hands -- one that is a leftover from the administration he promised "change" from...
This just BEGS the question: As Wayne has implied, IF "New Democrat" Bill Clinton was somehow in cahoots with George H. W. Bush and his CIA "A-Team" at the same time the "B-Team" neocons at CIA/Mossad were pressuring Clinton with a "sparrow" scandal a la Monica Lewinsky in an attempt to move him more to the side of Israel and away from the traditional "neutral stance" followed in the Carter years, THEN it follows, given Obama's Clinton-recommended and Neo-con appointments who come with the baggage of "dual loyalties," that both the Clinton and Obama Administrations are the cynical result of duplicitous manipulations by the Oligarchs from "The Shadows."
When Bush ran against Gore they couldn't loose because they'd maneuvered to get Lieberman placed on the Democratic ticket and Gore, in actuality, was controlled by the Israel Lobby as well. Plus the committed fraud and Gore mysteriously melted into the woodwork instead of fighting in Florida like the BushCo-Baker team. That was highly suspicious to me at the time. Gore just rolled over. Why? I believe it's because they have Gore set-up on a "raven" scenario for blackmail. Call it "Gaydar," because I have it.
When Bush ran against Kerry they couldn't lose because they controlled the voting machines and the counting program in Nashville. He rolled over without a fight over Ohio, too. Why? Was it because the whole campaign with two opposing candidates from two "opposing" parties was a charade to begin with -- the Shadow Government was solidly in power no matter who won. Cheney effectively appointed himself VP in 2000 and rode herd over The Shadow as a member of "The Committee."