Project "Snowball" and the tragic assassination of Bashir Gemayel, our President-elect.
Putting to rest ounce and for all, the wild stories and fantasies about Mr. Elie Hobeika's various actions.
The blame Mr. Elie Hobeika for "everything" stories simply doesn't make sense to anyone.... Yes he is a nationalist, a legend and a heroes' hero, a visionary, a unique and unprecedented leader.
But too many people have an incentive to blame Mr. Hobeika for everything. It's become a sport these days, Israel will blame Mr. Hobeika for the Hariri and buttho assassinations soon....
Take Sharon for instance. Just before he was elected, a known Israeli agent with connections to Lebanese Christian groups published the cobra book...
Vicious and utterly false attacks against Mr. Elie HOBEIKA since 1982... are really good indications that he was about to reveal truths that MOSSAD/AMAN and CIA just don't want exposed and thus need to discredit the author and the sources.... It's an old as dirt legal tactic... If you are afraid of the damage a testimony from a witness will have, whether in public opinion or in a court of law....you use the tactic of discrediting the witness to taint the evidence....and then you assassinate the witness to silence him for good, using the infamous White House Murder Machinations INC, in the Levant....
He published it on the web, since no credible publishing house would accept the book. He actually translated the book into English. If you read it you will see that it was written by a ghost writer. If you are familiar with Israeli literature you will see that the style is typical Israeli through and through...
The purpose of the book was to clear Sharon of all the war crimes which he was found "directly responsible" for by an Israeli commission, and which an independent international commission accused him of orchestrating, directing, planning and perpetrating.
The worry was that if Sharon is elected, the international community would isolate Israel since they elected a well known war criminal.
So there was an urgency to clearing his name. One of the strategies was to write this book blaming Mr. Hobeika for everything. But it was clearly all lies. In fact, several former Israeli officers have said that the book had large factual errors and was basically fantasy. In fact, many had a few laughs about this book with many former Israeli officers who were in Beirut in 82, and who know full well about operations: "Snowball", "Spark" and " Ironbrain" etc.
My view about all this is simple. Abou Ayyad with The Syrians assassinated Bashir because they were worried about his plans with Israel.
There is a clear PLO/Syrian complicity here and they would probably not be ashamed to even claim it. Mr. Elie Hobeika had nothing to do with it since at the time he did his best by imprisoning Shartouni on deep suspicions of foul-play...only to be pressured by the late Pierre Gemayel "father" to release him immediately, because Shartouni's aunt who lives in the apartment above the location of the assassination, was the mistress of Jean NADER, who bugged Pierre Gemayel so hard about Shartouni..., that Gemayel ended up begging Bashir to force Mr. Elie HOBEIKA to release Shartouni reluctantly. Furthermore, immediately after Bashir's tragic assassination, Mr. Hobeika captured and imprisoned Shartouni for an in depth interrogation, only two hours after the murder....and HK did get ALL the facts from Shartouni and was able to trace most of the tools which were employed in this new kind of attack...because it employed a relatively modern remote controlled device, which ultimately was traced to a Japanese manufacturer... with the credit card slips used in the purchase...etc etc etc. no need to give all the facts here...
There is a clear PLO/Syrian complicity here and they would probably not be ashamed to even claim it. Mr. Elie Hobeika had nothing to do with it since at the time he did his best by imprisoning Shartouni on deep suspicions of foul-play...only to be pressured by the late Pierre Gemayel "father" to release him immediately, because Shartouni's aunt who lives in the apartment above the location of the assassination, was the mistress of Jean NADER, who bugged Pierre Gemayel so hard about Shartouni..., that Gemayel ended up begging Bashir to force Mr. Elie HOBEIKA to release Shartouni reluctantly. Furthermore, immediately after Bashir's tragic assassination, Mr. Hobeika captured and imprisoned Shartouni for an in depth interrogation, only two hours after the murder....and HK did get ALL the facts from Shartouni and was able to trace most of the tools which were employed in this new kind of attack...because it employed a relatively modern remote controlled device, which ultimately was traced to a Japanese manufacturer... with the credit card slips used in the purchase...etc etc etc. no need to give all the facts here...
Hobeika was always concerned about one thing and one thing only, the security of the eastern sector and the cohesion of the Lebanese Forces. Ariel Sharon took the opportunity to attack west Beirut and implement "Spark" and "Ironbrain".
Under Elie Hobeika's command, the LF kicked the Israelis out of Dbayyeh, Jounieh and Me3ameltain for good.... , and Israel was never to return into east Beirut "overtly" ever since....when Israel stabbed the Christians in the back, especially during the "mountain War"....which geagea insisted on carrying out under Israeli pressure.... and despite the strong "knowledgeable" reluctance of HK Elie HOBEIKA.....Elie was proven to be right all the time....especially when you take a deep look at things from a historical perspective, and he continues to be right today.....in 2009 and for ever....
Say what you want of Bashir Gemayel, the fact is that he was elected according to the Lebanese Constitution. When the term of former President Lahoud was extended, twists and turns were imposed by pressure from the USA/Syrians.... to allow this to happen. Although dissatisfied, no one said it was illegitimate. The argument about the illegitimacy of Bashir’s government does not hold. Furthermore, if one puts aside for a moment past deeds of Bashir and focuses on what his intentions and plans were around and after his election as President, one sees a purely national plan meant to benefit all Lebanese. Which is what a Lebanese government should have loyalty for, first and foremost....
Who killed Bashir and why? It was no one with the best interest of Lebanon in mind....but Syria's and Israel who are both the flip side of the same coin since the advent of the Alawite Dictatorship in Damascus in 1970...
Project "Snowball" and the tragic assassination of Bashir Gemayel, our President-elect....
Say what you want of Bashir Gemayel, the fact is that he was elected according to the Lebanese Constitution. When the term of former President Lahoud was extended, twists and turns were imposed by pressure from the USA/Syrians.... to allow this to happen. Although dissatisfied, no one said it was illegitimate. The argument about the illegitimacy of Bashir’s government does not hold. Furthermore, if one puts aside for a moment past deeds of Bashir and focuses on what his intentions and plans were around and after his election as President, one sees a purely national plan meant to benefit all Lebanese. Which is what a Lebanese government should have loyalty for, first and foremost....
Who killed Bashir and why? It was no one with the best interest of Lebanon in mind....but Syria's and Israel who are both the flip side of the same coin since the advent of the Alawite Dictatorship in Damascus in 1970...
Project "Snowball" and the tragic assassination of Bashir Gemayel, our President-elect....
Operations: "Snowball", "Spark" and " Ironbrain" of IDF..., are IDF operations, planned for ahead of Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 1982.
Abou Ayyad with The Syrians assassinated Bashir Gemayel because they were extremely worried about his "plans" with Israel....
A young man by the name of Habib Shartouni, executed the whole operation. He comes from the SSNP, Syrian Social Nationalist Party....He was a Cut-out for Syria and Abu Ayyad....
There is a clear PLO/Syrian complicity here and they would probably not be ashamed to even claim it... Mr. Elie Hobeika, LF intelligence Chief at the time, prior to the Hit on Bashir did his best by imprisoning Habib Shartouni on deep suspicions of foul-play, months ahead of the hit on Bashir....only to be pressured by the late Pierre Gemayel "father" to release him immediately, because Habib Shartouni's Aunt who lives in the apartment above the location of the assassination, was the mistress of Jean NADER, [ An influential Phalange Party member...] who bugged Pierre Gemayel so hard about Shartouni..., that Gemayel ended up begging Bashir to force Mr. Elie HOBEIKA to release Shartouni reluctantly.... Furthermore, immediately after Bashir's tragic assassination, Mr. Hobeika captured and imprisoned Shartouni for an in depth interrogation, only two hours after the murder....and Hobeika did get ALL the facts from Shartouni and was able to trace most of the tools which were employed in this "new" kind of attack...because it employed a modern remote controlled device, which ultimately was traced to a Japanese manufacturer... with the credit card slips used in the purchase...etc etc etc. no need to give all the facts here...Shartouni brought all the explosives and other elements of his bomb into the apartment above the scene of the crime, bit by bit in paint containers...since the apartment was being renovated/repainted..., hence he was not caught in the act ahead of time, but his numerous comings and goings had alerted LF intelligence in time, but they obviously failed to dig more...because of the pressure brought to bear when he was in jail, by Gemayel's father for his early release...
Hobeika was always concerned about one thing and one thing only, the security of the eastern sector and the cohesion of the Lebanese Forces... Ariel Sharon took the opportunity of Bashir Gemayel's assassination in order to attack west Beirut and implement "Spark" and "Ironbrain"....and the rest is History.....But the best and most precise account of what happened at Sabra and Shatilla can be found in the Book of Alain Menargues, titled: "Les Secrets de la guerre du Liban" or Secrets of the Lebanon war...It is absolutely accurate wall to wall....
Say what you want about Bashir Gemayel, the fact is that he was elected according to the Lebanese Constitution....and was murdered by Syria and the PLO as head of State... Furthermore, if one puts aside for a moment past deeds of Bashir Gemayel and focuses on what his intentions and plans were around and after his election as President, one sees a purely National Plan meant to benefit all Lebanese. Which is what a Lebanese government should have loyalty for, first and foremost....
Who killed Bashir and why? It was no one with the best interest of Lebanon in mind....but Syria's and Israel who are both the flip side of the same coin since the advent of the Alawite Dictatorship in Damascus in 1970..., that's Lebanon's fate because of the Geopolitical constraints....but for ounce..., I can assure you that Israel had nothing to do with the assassination of Bashir Gemayel...and the MOSSAD Chief came in person...to the scene of the crime in 1982...and was Visibly shaken....I saw him personally...
A bit of History
Abou Ayyad with The Syrians assassinated Bashir Gemayel because they were extremely worried about his "plans" with Israel....
A young man by the name of Habib Shartouni, executed the whole operation. He comes from the SSNP, Syrian Social Nationalist Party....He was a Cut-out for Syria and Abu Ayyad....
There is a clear PLO/Syrian complicity here and they would probably not be ashamed to even claim it... Mr. Elie Hobeika, LF intelligence Chief at the time, prior to the Hit on Bashir did his best by imprisoning Habib Shartouni on deep suspicions of foul-play, months ahead of the hit on Bashir....only to be pressured by the late Pierre Gemayel "father" to release him immediately, because Habib Shartouni's Aunt who lives in the apartment above the location of the assassination, was the mistress of Jean NADER, [ An influential Phalange Party member...] who bugged Pierre Gemayel so hard about Shartouni..., that Gemayel ended up begging Bashir to force Mr. Elie HOBEIKA to release Shartouni reluctantly.... Furthermore, immediately after Bashir's tragic assassination, Mr. Hobeika captured and imprisoned Shartouni for an in depth interrogation, only two hours after the murder....and Hobeika did get ALL the facts from Shartouni and was able to trace most of the tools which were employed in this "new" kind of attack...because it employed a modern remote controlled device, which ultimately was traced to a Japanese manufacturer... with the credit card slips used in the purchase...etc etc etc. no need to give all the facts here...Shartouni brought all the explosives and other elements of his bomb into the apartment above the scene of the crime, bit by bit in paint containers...since the apartment was being renovated/repainted..., hence he was not caught in the act ahead of time, but his numerous comings and goings had alerted LF intelligence in time, but they obviously failed to dig more...because of the pressure brought to bear when he was in jail, by Gemayel's father for his early release...
Hobeika was always concerned about one thing and one thing only, the security of the eastern sector and the cohesion of the Lebanese Forces... Ariel Sharon took the opportunity of Bashir Gemayel's assassination in order to attack west Beirut and implement "Spark" and "Ironbrain"....and the rest is History.....But the best and most precise account of what happened at Sabra and Shatilla can be found in the Book of Alain Menargues, titled: "Les Secrets de la guerre du Liban" or Secrets of the Lebanon war...It is absolutely accurate wall to wall....
Say what you want about Bashir Gemayel, the fact is that he was elected according to the Lebanese Constitution....and was murdered by Syria and the PLO as head of State... Furthermore, if one puts aside for a moment past deeds of Bashir Gemayel and focuses on what his intentions and plans were around and after his election as President, one sees a purely National Plan meant to benefit all Lebanese. Which is what a Lebanese government should have loyalty for, first and foremost....
Who killed Bashir and why? It was no one with the best interest of Lebanon in mind....but Syria's and Israel who are both the flip side of the same coin since the advent of the Alawite Dictatorship in Damascus in 1970..., that's Lebanon's fate because of the Geopolitical constraints....but for ounce..., I can assure you that Israel had nothing to do with the assassination of Bashir Gemayel...and the MOSSAD Chief came in person...to the scene of the crime in 1982...and was Visibly shaken....I saw him personally...
A bit of History
Bashir Gemayel was an Intern at a DC Law Firm...in the early 70s...and that's where/when he was recruited by CIA...The Whole civil war in Lebanon in the 70s/80s was concocted by CIA/MOSSAD in order to settle half a million Palestinian refugees in Lebanon...and may be attempt to give the whole country away to Arafat's thugs instead of Palestine...Arafat was closely working for CIA All along...and CIA used Arafat's Palestinians in the GCC...who were numerous and well established in various Arab countries, for all sorts of intelligence operations in the Gulf ...All the While CIA was sponsoring their Proxy Militias of the Lebanese Forces to wreck havoc in Lebanon...and saw division after division to weaken the Christian segments of the population in Lebanon...and push them to emigrate to the West. The Maronite Christians were always the Suckers in this game of CIA/MOSSAD...especially when in 1986...CIA inspired, directed and supervised Samir Geagea's and Amine Gemayel's revolt against the Tripartite agreement which attempted to end the Lebanese War....History will not be kind to those criminal traitors...